Now showing items 1-10 of 132
Identificación de variables significativas en el saque de esquina en fútbol femenino: comparación con el fútbol masculino
(Editorial Team, 2019-04)
[Resumen]: En los últimos años se constata un aumento de los trabajos de naturaleza científica centrada en el fútbol femenino. En cambio, los estudios de naturaleza táctica, y más concretamente las situaciones estáticas ...
Observational Analysis of Corner Kicks in High-Level Football: A Mixed Methods Study
(MDPI AG, 2021-07-06)
[Abstract] Corner kicks are one of the most important set pieces in high-level football. The present study aimed to analyze the evolution of the tactical approach to corner kicks in high-performance football. For this, a ...
Multivariate Analysis of Defensive Phase in Football: Identification of Successful Behavior Patterns of 2014 Brazil FIFA World Cup
(Universidad de Alicante. Área de Educación Física y Deporte, 2021-07-01)
[Abstract] The aim of this study was to identify variables associated with direct recovery of the ball during defensive transitions in elite soccer and to propose a model with certain guarantees of success based on a ...
Diferencias tácticas entre selecciones ganadoras y perdedoras en fútbol femenino de élite
(Institut Nacional d'Educacio Fisica de Catalunya, 2022-01-01)
[Resumen] La investigación en fútbol femenino ha aumentado de manera notable en los últimos años. A pesar de ello, en el ámbito del rendimiento táctico colectivo las publicaciones aún son escasas. El objetivo de este estudio ...
Why Percussive Massage Therapy Does Not Improve Recovery after a Water Rescue? A Preliminary Study with Lifeguards
(MDPI AG, 2022-04-07)
[Abstract] The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of percussive massage therapy (PMT) on lifeguards’ recovery after a water rescue, in comparison with passive recovery. Methods: A quasi-experimental crossover ...
The Influence of Match Status on Ball Possession in High Performance Women’s Football
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2020-03-23)
[Abstract] The objective of this study was to examine the effect of the situational match status variable on the ball possession of the teams that participated in the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup. The 52 games played during ...
Posesión de balón en fútbol femenino: el juego de las mejores selecciones
(Federacion Espanola de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educacion Fisica (F E A D E F), 2022)
[Resumen]: El conocimiento científico sobre el rendimiento táctico en fútbol femenino se ha desarrollado principalmente enlos últimos años. Por este motivo, el número de publicaciones en relación con esta temática aún es ...
Maximum aerobic speed, maximum oxygen consumption, and running spatiotemporal parameters during an incremental test among middle- and long-distance runners and endurance non-running athletes
(PeerJ Inc., 2022-10-05)
[Abstract] Background. Maximal aerobic speed (MAS) is a useful parameter to assess aerobic
capacity and estimate training intensity in middle- and long-distance runners. However,
whether middle- and long-distance runners ...
The effect of mid-season coach turnover on running match performance and match outcome in professional soccer players
(Nature Publishing Group, 2022-06-23)
[Abstract]: The aim of this research was to examine the physical match performance and match outcome before and after coach turnover in professional soccer teams compared with a control group containing coaches working ...
Training intensity distribution and performance of a recreational male endurance runner. A case report
(Cherkas Global University Press, 2018)
[Abstract]: The polarized training intensity distribution model (PTM) has demonstrated to achieve larger improvements than lactate threshold model (LTM) in elite and well trained endurance athletes. However, there is a ...