Now showing items 1-10 of 31
Effect of Gold Nanoparticles on Transport Properties of the Protic Ionic Liquid Propylammonium Nitrate
(American Chemical Society, 2021-07-21)
[Abstract] Here, we analyze the effect of gold-nanoparticle (AuNPs)-doping of the protic ionic liquid (IL) propyl ammonium nitrate (PAN) on some physical properties, such as density, viscosity, and ionic conductivity, in ...
Structure, Dynamics and Ionic Conductivities of Ternary Ionic Liquid/Lithium Salt/DMSO Mixtures
(Elsevier, 2022-04-28)
[Abstract] In this paper we report classical Molecular Dynamics and ab initio Density Functional Theory simulations of the structure and single particle dynamics of ternary mixtures of a protic (ethylammonium nitrate, EAN) ...
Ionogels: Polimeric and Sol-Gel Silica Nanoscaffolds of Ionic Liquids as Smart Materials
(MDPI, 2022-11-17)
[Abstract] The purpose of this work is to check the viability of mixtures of ionic liquids and lithium salt as electrolytes in Li- batteries. Firstly, the determination of the thermo-electrical properties of liquid mixtures ...
Mixtures of Ethylammonium Nitrate and Ethylene Carbonate: Bulk and Interfacial Analysis
(Elsevier, 2023-06-22)
[Abstract] The structure and dynamics of binary mixtures of a protic ionic liquid (ethylammonium nitrate) and ethylene carbonate are studied by means of atomistic molecular dynamics simulations and experimental measurements ...
Lignin as a high-value bioaditive in 3D-DLP printable acrylic resins and polyaniline conductive composite
(MDPI, 2022-10-04)
[Abstract]: With increasing environmental awareness, lignin will play a key role in the transition from the traditional materials industry towards sustainability and Industry 4.0, boosting the development of functional ...
Determination of Thermophysical Properties of the Protic Ionic Liquid EIM NO₃, Pure and Doped with Lithium Nitrate Salt
(MDPI, 2020-11-14)
[Abstract] In this work, viscosity, density and electrical conductivity of the ionic liquid, Ethylimidazolium Nitrate pure and doped with lithium nitrate salt were determined in order to check the properties’ improvement ...
Experimental Device to Measure the Ionic Conductivity Anisotropy in Liquid Crystal Hydrogel Based In [EMIM] Alkyl Sulfate Ionic Liquids
(Elsevier, 2021-12-10)
[Abstract] We have built an experimental device with the aim to measure the expected electrical conductivity anisotropy in a liquid crystal, obtained from the gelation of the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium decyl ...
Structural Characterization by NMR Procedure of C₄C₁Pyrr TFSI Doped with Lithium TFSI Salt in Liquid and Gel States
(MDPI, 2020-11-14)
[Abstract] Ionic liquids represent a viable option as electrolytes for electrochemical applications such as energy storage devices, due to their high ionic conductivity and wide electrochemical window. However, liquid ...
Wind Energy System in Ambocas-Ecuador: Distributed Generation and Energy Quality
(European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality, 2021-09)
[Abstract] In this communication we present the construction of a wind farm, WF, with 10 MW of nominal power. This WF will increase the quantity and quality of electricity in the area of Ambocas, Loja, Ecuador, strengthen ...
On the Physical Properties of Mixtures of Nitrate Salts and Protic Ionic Liquids
(Elsevier, 2022-01-19)
[Abstract] We report a systematic study of the effect of salt concentration and its cation valence on several equilibrium and transport properties of mixtures of the model protic ionic liquid ethylammonium nitrate with ...