Now showing items 1-10 of 124
Multitask Pointer Network for Multi-Representational Parsing
(Elsevier, 2022-01-25)
[Abstract] Dependency and constituent trees are widely used by many artificial intelligence applications for representing the syntactic structure of human languages. Typically, these structures are separately produced by ...
Public Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling Regarding COVID-19’s Three Waves of Total Lockdown: A Case Study on Movement Control Order in Malaysia
(KSII, 2022-07-31)
[Abstract] The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many aspects of human life. The pandemic not only caused millions of fatalities and problems but also changed public sentiment and behavior. Owing to the magnitude of this ...
A review on political analysis and social media
(Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 2016)
[Abstract] In democratic countries, forecasting the voting intentions of citizens and knowing their opinions on major political parties and leaders is of great interest to the parties themselves, to the media, and to the ...
Creación de un treebank de dependencias universales mediante recursos existentes para lenguas próximas: el caso del gallego
(Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 2016-09)
[Resumen] En este trabajo presentamos una nueva estrategia para crear treebanks de lenguas con pocos recursos para el análisis sintáctico. El método consiste en la adaptación y combinación de diferentes treebanks anotados ...
LyS_ACoruña at SemEval-2022 Task 10: Repurposing Off-the-Shelf Tools for Sentiment Analysis as Semantic Dependency Parsing
(Association for Computational Linguistics, 2022-07)
[Absctract]: This paper addressed the problem of structured sentiment analysis using a bi-affine semantic dependency parser, large pre-trained language models, and publicly available translation models. For the monolingual ...
Building a New Sentiment Analysis Dataset for Uzbek Language and Creating Baseline Models
[Abstract] Making natural language processing technologies available for low-resource languages is an important goal to improve the access to technology in their communities of speakers. In this paper, we provide the first ...
Discontinuous grammar as a foreign language
(Elsevier, 2023-03)
[Abstract] In order to achieve deep natural language understanding, syntactic constituent parsing is a vital step, highly demanded by many artificial intelligence systems to process both text and speech. One of the most ...
Faster shift-reduce constituent parsing with a non-binary, bottom-up strategy
(Elsevier B.V., 2019-10)
[Absctract]: An increasingly wide range of artificial intelligence applications rely on syntactic information to process and extract meaning from natural language text or speech, with constituent trees being one of the ...
The Impact of Edge Displacement Vaserstein Distance on UD Parsing Performance
(The MIT Press, 2022)
[Abstract] We contribute to the discussion on parsing performance in NLP by introducing a measurement that evaluates the differences between the distributions of edge displacement (the directed distance of edges) seen in ...
Transition-based semantic role labeling with pointer networks
(Elsevier, 2023-01-25)
[Abstract] Semantic role labeling (SRL) focuses on recognizing the predicate–argument structure of a sentence and plays a critical role in many natural language processing tasks such as machine translation and question ...