Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Artificial neural network prediction of the initial stiffness of semi-rigid beam-to-column connections
(Elsevier, 2023-10)
[Abstract]: Joints are significant components in the design and construction of steel structures. The characteristic parameters of the connections must be reproduced in a reliable way to represent the actual behaviour of ...
Mechanical stiffness prediction of beam-to-column stiffened angle joints
(Elsevier, 2019-11-28)
[Abstract]: Semi-rigid angle joints, in their different configurations, constitute a highly interesting alternative to other typologies like end plate joints. However, they are not widely used in the customary practice of ...
Experimental evaluation, FEM and condensed stiffness matrices of 2D external welded haunched joints
(Elsevier, 2020-02)
[Abstract] In recent years, several researchers have been working hard to improve the knowledge with respect to steel joints behaviour. Special effort has been made for obtaining the stiffness of the different components ...
Metamodelling of stiffness matrices for 2D welded asymmetric steel joints
(Elsevier, 2019-08-02)
[Abstract]: Beam-column steel joints usually have a semi-rigid behaviour, and this must be taken into account when carrying out a global analysis of the structure. Rotational springs at each side of the joint are commonly ...
A novel analytical formulation for the stiffness of the component column web panel in shear with additional plates in bolted steel joints.
(Elsevier, 2024-03-16)
[Abstract] Given that the stiffness of joints has an important influence on the global behavior of steel structures, considerable efforts have been made to develop methods to characterize their behavior. In the component ...
Relación entre la tasa de éxito de tests Moodle y la tasa de éxito de una asignatura de una ingeniería
(Universidade da Coruña, 2020)
[Resumen] El presente artículo relaciona las tasas de éxito asociadas al uso de la "prueba tipo test" de Moodle y la de una asignatura de segundo curso de una ingeniería. Actualmente los test se ofrecen advirtiendo al ...
A new analytical formulation for the stiffness and resistance of the additional plate in bending in beam‐to‐beam steel joints
(Elsevier, 2021-02)
[Abstract] This paper focuses on the stiffness and resistance of the additional plate in bending. This is a component which appears in beam-to-beam bolted steel joints, when a secondary beam with a flush end plate is ...
Experimental and numerical analysis of three-dimensional semi-rigid steel joints under non-proportional loading
(Elsevier, 2012-05)
[Abstract], This paper focuses on the study of a type of three-dimensional joint that consists of extended end-plates for both major and minor axes. The minor axis connections are bolted to a plate welded to the column ...