Now showing items 1-10 of 39
Compositional depth profiles of gilded wood polychromes by means of LIBS
(CRC, 2008)
[Resumen] Se analizan las diferentes capas existentes en retablos de maderas policromadas del periodo barroco. Se distinguen la capa base y las posteriores hasta el acabado mas superficial.
Se aprecian las diferentes ...
Application of residuals from purification of bivalve molluscs in Galician to facilitate marine ecosystem resiliency through artificial reefs with shells – One generation
(Elsevier, 2023-01-15)
[Abstract] The seas and oceans of the planet provide a wide range of essential resources. However, marine ecosystems are undergoing severe degradation due to the unsustainable exploitation and consumption patterns of the ...
Modelling Operative and Routine Learning Curves in Manoeuvres in Locks and in Transit in the Expanded Panama Canal
(Cambridge University Press, 2021-05)
[Abstract] Piloting in the Panama Canal is exceptional as, due to its importance, the functions of the captains of vessels are taken over by pilots. Hence, prior to inauguration of the expanded canal, a limited number of ...
Colour changes in Galician granitic stones induced by UV Nd:YAG laser irradiation
(CRC, 2008)
[Resumen]: estudio sobre el cambio de color del granito gallego al limpiarlo mediante láser ultravioleta
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Consumption of Coastal Ecosystem Enhancement Programme through Sustainable Artificial Reefs in Galicia
(MDPI, 2021)
[Abstract] The principle of sustainability should condition a project in which artificial reefs are being installed to protect biodiversity as well as enhance costal ecosystems. In particular, this principle should be taken ...
Assessment of the Materials Employed in Green Artificial Reefs for the Galician Estuaries in Terms of Circular Economy
(MDPI, 2020)
[Abstract] To exploit marine resources in a sustainable way, efficient management systems must be used such as green artificial reefs (GARs). These reefs are mostly made up of renewable and organic materials. When adopting ...
Definition of an Artificial Reef Unit through Hydrodynamic and Structural (CFD and FEM) Models—Application to the Ares-Betanzos Estuary
(MDPI, 2022)
[Abstract] The application of hydrodynamics to the definition of artificial reefs is of great interest since the positioning of the artificial reef modules on the sea floor alters the water velocity field, causing an ...
Configuration Methodology for a Green Variety Reef System (AR group) Based on Hydrodynamic Criteria – Application to the Ría de Ares-Betanzos
(Elsevier, 2021-05-05)
[Abstract] For the evolution and development of artificial reefs to attain the expected results, hydrodynamics is emerging as a key factor that must be taken analyzed in detail. In particular, thanks to the hydrodynamics ...
Erosive Degradation Study of Concrete Augmented by Mussel Shells for Marine Construction
(MDPI, 2021-10)
[Abstract] This work proposes a green material for artificial reefs to be placed in Galicia (northwest Spain) taking into account the principles of circular economy and sustainability of the ecosystem. New concrete ...
Proposed Conceptual Framework to Design Artificial Reefs Based on Particular Ecosystem Ecology Traits
(MDPI, 2022-04-28)
[Abstract] Overfishing and pollution have led to marine habitat degradation, and as a result, marine fisheries are now in decline. Consequently, there is a real need to enhance marine ecosystems while halting the decline ...