Now showing items 1-10 of 77
Rheology, Durability, and Mechanical Performance of Sustainable Self-Compacting Concrete With Metakaolin and Limestone Filler
(Elsevier, 2022)
[Abstract] This study analyzed the performance of self-compacting concrete with a paste composition that includes limestone filler and metakaolin replacing cement to design binary (75% cement and 25% limestone filler) and ...
Wood Ash Versus Expanded Clay Aggregate as Internal Curing Water Reservoirs in High Performance Concrete
(Springer, 2022)
[Abstract] The performances of expanded clay aggregate and wood ash as internal curing water reservoirs were studied in the mortar phase of a hypothetical high performance concrete with a low water-to-binder ratio. The two ...
Mussel shell mortars durability: Study of aggregate replacement limit
(Elsevier, 2023-12-12)
[Abstract]: The knowledge acquired through previous experimental phases with coating mortars with mussel shell aggregates led to conclude that irregular, flaky and hydrophobic particles of the mussel shell and the organic ...
Analysis of Tensile Behavior of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Using Acoustic Emission Technique
(RILEM Publications SARL, 2020)
[Abstract] Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) was processed from reinforced concrete edge beams sourced from a demolished bridge. This material replaced different ratios of coarse aggregate in a benchmark concrete. The ...
Assessment of the Durability Dynamics of High-Performance Concrete Blended With a Fibrous Rice Husk Ash
(MDPI, 2022)
[Abstract] The present study examines the durability properties of Class 1 (50–75 MPa) high-performance concrete (HPC) blended with rice husk ash (RHA) as a partial replacement of CEM II B-L, 42.5 N. Six HPC mixes were ...
Masonry Mortars, Precast Concrete and Masonry Units Using Coal Bottom Ash as a Partial Replacement for Conventional Aggregates
(Elsevier, 2021)
[Abstract] Granular coal combustion products are problematic waste materials whose use as aggregates in concrete has been extensively studied. However, its integration into other non-structural materials and elements has ...
The effect of recycled aggregates on the accuracy of the maturity method on vibrated and self-compacting concretes
(Elsevier, 2019)
[Abstract:] Fine and coarse recycled aggregate used jointly as partial replacement of natural aggregate is not allowed for structural concrete in many international standards. More studies about it are needed toward more ...
La titulación de Arquitectura Técnica de A Coruña tras medio siglo de formación
(Universidad de Granada, 2023)
[Resumen]: En este artículo se presenta la evolución de la titulación de Arquitectura Técnica en A Coruña desde su implantación el año 1971 hasta la actualidad. Se hace hincapié en cada momento histórico acaecido a la ...
Experiencia de un posgrado en BIM management en la universidad pública
(Universidad de Granada, 2023)
[Resumen]: El objetivo del posgrado en BIM management que se describe es brindar la formación metodológica, técnica y profesional necesaria para el desarrollo de una carrera profesional basada en el uso de Building Information ...
Mechanical and microstructural properties of high-performance concrete made with rice husk ash internally cured with superabsorbent polymers
(CellPress, 2022)
[Abstract:] An experimental study was carried out to determine the properties of rice husk ash (RHA) and its effect on high-performance concrete's (HPC) mechanical and microstructural properties. RHA content was placed at ...