Now showing items 1-10 of 264
Parallel Sparse Modified Gram-Schmidt QR Decomposition
(Springer, 1996)
[Abstract] We present a parallel computational method for the QR decomposition with column pivoting of a sparse matrix by means of Modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. Nonzero elements of the matrix M to be decomposed ...
Non-blocking Java Communications Support on Clusters
(Springer, 2006)
[Abstract] This paper presents communication strategies for supporting efficient non-blocking Java communication on clusters. The communication performance is critical for the overall cluster performance. It is possible ...
Evaluation of Parallel Differential Evolution Implementations on MapReduce and Spark
(Springer, 2017-09)
[Abstract] Global optimization problems arise in many areas of science and engineering, computational and systems biology and bioinformatics among them. Many research efforts have focused on developing parallel metaheuristics ...
Facilitating the development of stencil applications using the Heterogeneous Programming Library
[Abstract] Stencil computations are very common in scientific codes. Heterogeneous systems achieve good results solving these problems, but their programming is complex because of the ghost regions required in multi-device ...
A SIMD Algorithm for the Detection of Epistatic Interactions of Any Order
(Elsevier, 2022)
[Abstract] Epistasis is a phenomenon in which a phenotype outcome is determined by the interaction of genetic variation at two or more loci and it cannot be attributed to the additive combination of effects corresponding ...
Guiding the Optimization of Parallel Codes on Multicores Using an Analytical Cache Model
Cache performance is particularly hard to predict in modern multicore processors as several threads can be concurrently in execution, and private cache levels are combined with shared ones. This paper presents ...
Design and Implementation of MapReduce using the PGAS Programming Model with UPC
(IEEE Computer Society, 2012-01-03)
[Abstract] MapReduce is a powerful tool for processing large data sets used by many applications running in distributed environments. However, despite the increasing number of computationally intensive problems that require ...
A Microprogrammed Approach for Implementing Statecharts
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019-10-21)
Statechart diagrams allow specifying complex systems in which there may be several states active at the same time and a large number of events and transitions to evaluate. Statecharts have been found useful in ...
Hybrid CPU/GPU Acceleration of Detection of 2-SNP Epistatic Interactions in GWAS
(Springer, 2014-08)
[Abstract] High-throughput genotyping technologies allow the collection of up to a few million genetic markers (such as SNPs) of an individual within a few minutes of time. Detecting epistasis, such as 2-SNP interactions, ...
Servet: A Benchmark Suite for Autotuning on Multicore Clusters
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2010-05-24)
[Abstract] MapReduce is a powerful tool for processing large data sets used by many applications running in distributed environments. However, despite the increasing number of computationally intensive problems that require ...