Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • A One-Class Classification method based on Expanded Non-Convex Hulls 

      Novoa-Paradela, David; Fontenla-Romero, Óscar; Guijarro-Berdiñas, Bertha (Elsevier, 2023)
      [Abstract]: This paper presents an intuitive, robust and efficient One-Class Classification algorithm. The method developed is called OCENCH (One-class Classification via Expanded Non-Convex Hulls) and bases its operation ...
    • Adaptive Real-Time Method for Anomaly Detection Using Machine Learning 

      Novoa-Paradela, David; Fontenla-Romero, Óscar; Guijarro-Berdiñas, Bertha (MDPI AG, 2020-08-20)
      [Abstract] Anomaly detection is a sub-area of machine learning that deals with the development of methods to distinguish among normal and anomalous data. Due to the frequent use of anomaly-detection systems in monitoring ...
    • Explained anomaly detection in text reviews: Can subjective scenarios be correctly evaluated? 

      Novoa-Paradela, David; Fontenla-Romero, Óscar; Guijarro-Berdiñas, Bertha (2024-07)
      In the current landscape, user opinions exert an unprecedented influence on the trajectory of companies. In the field of online review platforms, these opinions, transmitted through text reviews and numerical ratings, ...
    • Fast deep autoencoder for federated learning 

      Novoa-Paradela, David; Fontenla-Romero, Óscar; Guijarro-Berdiñas, Bertha (Elsevier Ltd, 2023-11)
      [Abstract]: This paper presents a novel, fast and privacy preserving implementation of deep autoencoders. DAEF (Deep AutoEncoder for Federated learning), unlike traditional neural networks, trains a deep autoencoder network ...
    • Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection: From Surface to Deep 

      Novoa-Paradela, David (2024)
      [Resumo] A detección de anomalías é a rama da aprendizaxe automática encargada de construír modelos capaces de diferenciar entre datos normais e anómalos. A priori, isto converte a detección de anomalías nun problema de ...
    • Método adaptativo en tiempo real para la detección de anomalías mediante aprendizaje automático 

      Novoa-Paradela, David (2019)
      [Resumen] La detección de anomalías es la subrama del aprendizaje automático encargada de construir modelos capaces de diferenciar entre datos normales y anómalos. Ya que los datos normales son los que prevalecen en estos ...
    • SOPRENE: Assessment of the Spanish Armada’s Predictive Maintenance Tool for Naval Assets 

      Fernández Barrero, David; Fontenla-Romero, Óscar; Lamas-López, Francisco; Novoa-Paradela, David; R-Moreno, María; Sanz, David (MDPI, 2021)
      [Abstract] Predictive maintenance has lately proved to be a useful tool for optimizing costs, performance and systems availability. Furthermore, the greater and more complex the system, the higher the benefit but also the ...