Browsing by Author "Naves, Acacia"
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
A single-site reactive transport model of Cs+ for the in situ diffusion and retention (DR) experiment
Yi, Shuping; Samper, Javier; Naves, Acacia; Soler, Josep M. (Springer, 2015)[Abstract:] In situ diffusion experiments are performed in underground research laboratories for understanding and quantifying radionuclide diffusion from underground radioactive waste repositories. The in situ diffusion ... -
An Introduction to Sewer Network Design Using SWMM
Anta, Jose; Naves, Acacia; Naves, Juan (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2020) -
Analysis of the parameter identifiability of the in situ diffusion and retention (DR) experiments
Samper, Javier; Naves, Acacia; Yi, Shuping (Elsevier, 2010)[Abstract:] In situ diffusion experiments are performed at underground research laboratories to overcome the limitations of laboratory diffusion experiments. The diffusion and retention (DR) experiments are long-term, ... -
Community-Owned Rural Water Supplies in Galicia (Spain): Supporting Role in the Groundwater Self-Management
Naves, Acacia; Varela-Álvarez, Enrique José (Springer, 2021)[Abstract] The community-owned rural water supplies in the rural areas of Galicia developed spontaneously in response to the historical shortcomings of local administrations, which are a clear example of commons management ... -
Conceptual and numerical models of solute diffusion around a HLW repository in clay
Samper, Javier; Naves, Acacia; Lu, Chuanhe; Li, Yanmei; Fritz, Bertrand; Clément, Alain (Elsevier, 2011)[Abstract:] Reactive transport models have been used to simulate solute diffusion, canister corrosion, interactions of the corrosion products with the bentonite and the long-term hydrochemical evolution of porewater ... -
Coordinación entre docencia e investigación, para la mejora de la comprensión de procesos y la motivación de los estudiantes de ingeniería, y la colaboración entre docentes, para reducir el esfuerzo en innovación
Naves, Juan; Naves, Acacia; Anta, Jose (Universidade da Coruña, Cufie, 2019)[Resumen] En este trabajo se presenta una experiencia de coordinación entre los docentes de dos asignaturas de los Másters de Ingeniería de Caminos y de Ingeniería del Agua de la Universidade da Coruña para, a través del ... -
Coupled THCM model of a heating and hydration concrete-bentonite column test
Samper, Javier; Mon, Alba; Montenegro, Luis; Cuevas, Jaime; Turrero, María J.; Naves, Acacia; Fernández, Raúl; Torres, Elena (Elsevier, 2018)[Abstract:] Radioactive waste disposal in deep geological repositories in clay formations envisage a compacted bentonite engineered barrier and a concrete liner. The alkaline conditions caused by the degradation of concrete ... -
Diagnóstico de la gestión de los residuos en los campamentos de refugiados de Tindouf (Argelia)
Anta, Jose; Maceiras Gómez, Jorge; Naves, Acacia (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2022) -
Drinking Water Provision and Quality at the Sahrawi Refugee Camps in Tindouf (Algeria) From 2006 to 2016
García, Roberto; Naves, Acacia; Anta, Jose; Ron, Manuel; Molinero-Huguet, Jorge (Elsevier, 2021)[Abstract] Drinking water provision has been a constant challenge in the Sahrawi refugee camps, located in the desert near Tindouf (Algeria). The drinking water supply system is itself divided in three zones which pump ... -
Estudios hidrológicos y modelos de mezcla de aguas para el estudio del drenaje ácido del terraplén del Aparral en la autovía AG-64
Samper, Javier; Naves, Acacia; Montenegro, Luis; Pisani, Bruno; Dopico, Héctor; Arias, M.; Dafonte, Jorge (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2021)[Resumen:] Las aguas de los ríos Eume y Chamoselo, a su paso por As Pontes (A Coruña), se vieron muy acidificadas a partir de 2008 debido a los aportes de aguas ácidas que estuvieron en contacto con los estériles sulfurosos ... -
Groundwater Flow Model along a Vertical Profile of the Sardas Landfill in Sabiñánigo, Huesca, Spain
Samper, Javier; Sobral, Brais; Pisani, Bruno; Naves, Acacia; Guadaño, Joaquín; Gómez Pérez, Jorge; Fernández Cascán, Jesús (MDPI, 2023)[Abstract:] Lindane (a harmful contaminant) was produced in Sabiñánigo (Huesca, Spain) and deposited at the Sardas landfill. This site contains a large mass of pollutants, which have an extremely large contamination potential ... -
Hydrogeology and Groundwater Management in a Coastal Granitic Area With Steep Slopes in Galicia (Spain)
Naves, Acacia; Samper, Javier; Pisani, Bruno; Mon, Alba; Dafonte, Jorge; Montenegro, Luis; García-Tomillo, Aitor (Springer, 2021)[Abstract] Groundwater availability, management and protection are great challenges for the sustainability of groundwater resources in the scattered rural areas of the Atlantic regions of Europe where groundwater is the ... -
In situ diffusion experiments: Effect of water sampling on tracer concentrations and parameters
Naves, Acacia; Dewonck, S.; Samper, Javier (Elsevier, 2010)[Abstract:] In situ diffusion experiments are performed at underground research laboratories (URL) in clay formations to overcome the limitations of laboratory diffusion experiments and investigate scale effects. Tracers ... -
Introducción al cálculo de redes de saneamiento con SWMM
Anta, Jose; Naves, Acacia; Naves, Juan (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2019) -
Long-term non-isothermal reactive transport model of compacted bentonite, concrete and corrosion products in a HLW repository in clay
Mon, Alba; Samper, Javier; Montenegro, Luis; Naves, Acacia; Fernández Ruiz, Jesús (Elsevier, 2017)[Abstract:] Radioactive waste disposal in deep geological repositories envisages engineered barriers such as carbon-steel canisters, compacted bentonite and concrete liners. The stability and performance of the bentonite ... -
Normalized sensitivities and parameter identifiability of in situ diffusion experiments on Callovo–Oxfordian clay at Bure site
Samper, Javier; Dewonck, S.; Zheng, Liange; Yang, Qingchun; Naves, Acacia (Elsevier, 2008)Diffusion of inert and reactive tracers (DIR) is an experimental program performed by ANDRA at Bure underground research laboratory in Meuse/Haute Marne (France) to characterize diffusion and retention of radionuclides in ... -
Numeral models of diffusion and sorption through the opalinus and callovo-oxfordian clays
Naves, Acacia (2011)[Resumen] Las formaciones arcillosas Opalinus y Callovo-Oxfordian se consideran posibles ubicaciones para albergar un almacenamiento geológico profundo (AGP) de residuos radioactivos. La comprensión de los procesos de ... -
O hidroxeodía en Galicia
Naves, Acacia; Samper, Javier (Universidade da Coruña, Cufie, 2020)[Resumo] O Hidroxeodía é unha xornada de divulgación da hidroxeoloxía e da profesión do hidroxeólogo organizada simultaneamente en hasta 20 provincias españolas por entidades locais coa colaboración do Grupo Español da ... -
Plan de seguridad del agua en los Campos de Refugiados Saharauis en Tindouf (Argelia)
García Campos, Roberto; Blanco Arroyo, Rodrigo; Anta, Jose; Naves, Acacia; Molinero-Huguet, Jorge (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018)[Resumen:] Desde 1975, unos 165 000 saharauis viven como refugiados en el desierto del Sahara cerca de Tindouf (Argelia). El agua disponible proviene de pozos profundos ubicados en algunos casos a decenas de kilómetros de ... -
Reactive transport modelling of a low-pH concrete / clay interface
Idiart, Andrés; Laviña, Marcelo; Kosakowski, Georg; Cochepin, Benoit; Meeussen, Johannes C.L.; Samper, Javier; Mon, Alba; Montoya, Vanessa; Munier, Isabelle; Poonoosamy, Jenna; Montenegro, Luis; Deissmann, Guido; Rohmen, Stephan; Damiani, Leonardo Hax; Coene, Emilie; Naves, Acacia (Elsevier, 2020)[Abstract:] Cement-based materials are key components in the barrier system and structural support of repositories for disposal of nuclear waste. As such, increased understanding of their long-term performance under ...