Browsing by Author "González-Laxe, Fernando"
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
A fenda entre a igualdade legal e a real. A educación como eixe chave nos plans de igualdade
Novo-Corti, Isabel; González-Laxe, Fernando; Barreiro-Gen, María (Universidade da Coruña, 2014)[Resumo] O recoñecemento da igualdade formal na lexislación levouse a cabo en todos os niveis –internacional, europeo e estatal– por parte dos organismos e as administracións públicas. Así mesmo, desenvolvéronse plans de ... -
Los cambios en los modelos portuarios: el futuro del puerto de Ferrol
González-Laxe, Fernando (Universidade da Coruña, 2013) -
Las ciudades portuarias ante las nuevas estrategias marítimas: la diversidad europea
González-Laxe, Fernando; Martín Palmero, Federico (Ministerio de Fomento, 2020)[Resumen] Las ciudades-puerto se han visto afectadas por las fuertes transformaciones de las últimas décadas y han ido modificando sus características y funciones a medida que avanzan los procesos de integración económica. ... -
Congreso Internacional Marítimo: los factores de resiliencia de las regiones marítimas en el mundo post-covid. Libro de actas, A Coruña, 5 y 6 de octubre de 2022
González-Laxe, Fernando; Rodríguez-Docampo, María-José (2022)[Resumen] El presente volumen recoge los resultados del “Congreso Internacional Marítimo: Los factores de resiliencia de las regiones marítimas en el mundo post-Covid”, celebrado los días 5 y 6 de octubre de 2022 en la ... -
Convenciones sociales y certificación de los productos pesqueros
González-Laxe, Fernando (2020)[Resumen] Los pescadores siguen tres lógicas. La que está definida por la maximización del beneficio; la relacionada con la abundancia y la situación de los stocks; y la vinculada a las expectativas sociales y económicas. ... -
Economic Enviroment and Health Care Coverage: Analysis of Social Acceptance of Access Restrictive Policies Applied in Spain in the Context of Economic Crisis
Picatoste, Xosé; Ruesga Benito, Santos Miguel; González-Laxe, Fernando (Elsevier, 2018)[Abstract]: Society wellbeing is one the main goals of economic development. During the XX century, societies succeeded increasing their standard of living and the general welfare. But, in 2008, barely begun the XXI ... -
Economic Sustainability and Possibilities of Action for the States, in the Case of Monetary Integration: Some Notes for Reflection
Picatoste, Xosé; Ruesga Benito, Santos Miguel; González-Laxe, Fernando (INDERSCIENCE, 2016)[Abstract]: The economic crisis that began in 2008 highlighted the difficulties faced by those national economies members of a monetary area. Such is the case of the countries in the euro area. In this situation, the ... -
Energy Transition Narratives in Spain: A Case Study of As Pontes
Singh Garha, Nachatter; García-Mira, Ricardo; González-Laxe, Fernando (MDPI Open Access Journals, 2022-09-07)[Abstract] The energy transition is one of the most important processes of the last decade in Spain, affecting all aspects of life (social, political, economic and demographic). Its main objective is to eventually replace ... -
Galicia: O seu territorio e a súa organización económica. Unha análise dos contrastes e da competitividade
González-Laxe, Fernando (EGAP, 2021)[Resumo] Os territorios ou rexións, como conxunto coherente de lugares, poñen de manifesto o feito de que un espazo xeográfico distínguese dos seus veciños por medio dunha serie de características diferenciais. Por iso, ... -
Gender wage gap, quality of earnings and gender digital divide in the European context
Picatoste, Xosé; Mesquita, Anabela; González-Laxe, Fernando (Springer, 2023)[Abstract]: One of the leading national and international objectives is to achieve more egalitarian societies. Avoiding gender or digital gaps are priorities generally assumed as concerns of governments and international ... -
Good Practices in Strategic Port Performance
González-Laxe, Fernando; Martín Bermúdez, Federico; Martin Palmero, Federico (Faculty of Maritime Studies, 2022)[Abstract] The objective of this paper is to identify the approaches and the Code of Good Practices related to the four dimensions of sustainability (economic, social, environmental, and institutional) in the port sector ... -
Inclusión das persoas con discapacidade nas universidades presenciais, dende o punto de vista dos seus pares: A perspectiva de xénero
Novo-Corti, Isabel; Barreiro-Gen, María; González-Laxe, Fernando (Universidade da Coruña (UDC) - España (Spain), 2014)[Resumo]: A inclusión social das persoas con discapacidade é unha dás prioridades das sociedades avanzadas, pero esta so se pode acadar plenamente en contornos normalizados. Se ben os xóvenes con discapacidade están accedendo ... -
La influencia de la educación de las TIC en la empleabilidad de los jóvenes en la Unión Europea
Picatoste, Xosé; Ruesga Benito, Santos Miguel; González-Laxe, Fernando; Novo-Corti, Isabel (2020)[Resumen]: La Unión Europea presenta elevadas tasas de desempleo juvenil, especialmente en los países más afectados por la crisis económica. Estos jóvenes desempleados suelen tener un alto conocimiento y habilidades en ... -
Initial Impact and Socioeconomic Compensation for the Closure of a Coal-Fired Power Plant in a Local Entity
Prado-Domínguez, Antonio Javier; González-Laxe, Fernando; Escourido-Calvo, Manuel; Martín Bermúdez, Federico (MDPI, 2021)[Abstract] This work contributes to improving the relevant information for the local participatory process, in a context of just energy transition. A proposal has been prepared for an objective estimate of the initial ... -
Path – Dependence and European Fisheries Management
Martín Palmero, Federico; González-Laxe, Fernando (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2018)[Abstract] For a long time there has been an attempt to explain the current crisis in the fisheries sector in terms of a confrontation between those defending “fish” and those defending “fishermen”. However, the real problem ... -
La Política Portuaria Europea: los nuevos desafíos de la gobernanza
González-Laxe, Fernando (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2020)[Resumen]: La Unión Europea carece de una legislación única en materia portuaria, salvo disposiciones relativas a las instalaciones portuarias y al funcionamiento de determinados servicios técnico-náuticos. Europa cuenta ... -
Sustainable Development, Poverty, and Risk of Exclusion for Young People in the European Union: The Case of NEETs
Ruesga Benito, Santos Miguel; González-Laxe, Fernando; Picatoste, Xosé (2018)[Abstract]: The difficulties of access to the labor market remains in the post-crisis period, particularly for younger people and for those countries more affected by the crisis. The economic conditions with the precariousness ... -
The debate on the economic effects of minimum wage legislation
Ruesga Benito, Santos Miguel; González-Laxe, Fernando; Picatoste, Xosé (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2017)[Abstract] The minimum wage establishment has its origin in the first third of the last century. Since its creation has been a focus of continuing controversy and an unfinished debate on economics field. This work reviews ... -
The Financialisation of the Fishing Industry: Galicia as a Case Study
Martín Palmero, Federico; González-Laxe, Fernando (Universidade da Coruña, 2021-06-17)[Abstract] Successive technical and organizational innovations have modelled the current structure and composition of the fishing industry. The market structure varies considerably between countries and the fish species ... -
Wellbeing at work: self perception of workers from a gender perspective
Novo-Corti, Isabel; López-Arranz, Asunción; González-Laxe, Fernando; Picatoste, Xosé (2017)[Abstract]: Perceived wellbeing at the workplace could be related to various factors such as the training received, the general working environment and particularly, the level of gender equality. Moreover is expected ...