Now showing items 1-20 of 73

    • 60-GHz Millimeter-Wave Propagation Inside Bus: Measurement, Modeling, Simulation, and Performance Analysis 

      Chandra, Aniruddha; Rahman, Aniq Ur; Ghosh, Ushasi; García-Naya, José A.; Prokes, Ales; Blumenstein, Jiri (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019)
      [Abstract] Millimeter-wave (mmWave) transmission over the unlicensed 60-GHz spectrum is a potential solution to realize high-speed internet access, even inside mass transit vehicles. The solution involves communication ...
    • A comparative study of STBC transmissions at 2.4 GHz over indoor channels using a 2 × 2 MIMO testbed 

      Ramírez García, David; Santamaría, Ignacio; Pérez Arriaga, Jesús; Vía, Javier; García-Naya, José A.; Fernández-Caramés, Tiago M.; Pérez-Iglesias, Héctor J.; González-López, Miguel; Castedo, Luis; Torres-Royo, José M. (Hindawi, 2008)
      [Abstract]: In this paper we employ a 2 × 2 Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) hardware platform to evaluate, in realistic indoor scenarios, the performance of different space-time block coded (STBC) transmissions at ...
    • A low-cost decision-aided channel estimation method for Alamouti OSTBC 

      Castro-Castro, Paula-María; Dapena, Adriana; García-Naya, José A.; Labrador, Josmary (Springer, 2013-11)
      [Abstract] In wireless communication systems, channel state information (CSI) acquisition is typically performed at the receiver side every time a new frame is received, without taking into account whether it is really ...
    • A MATLAB Interface for Analyzing Conformal Arrays Composed of Polarized Heterogeneous Elements 

      Brégains, Julio; García-Naya, José A.; González-López, Miguel; Castedo, Luis (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011-10)
      [Abstract] As an extension and improvement of a previous work, this paper presents a graphical interface designed with MATLAB®, which is capable of representing both the spatial and electrical configurations of a conformal ...
    • A MATLAB Tool for Visualizing the 3D Polar Power Patterns and Excitations of Conformal Arrays 

      Brégains, Julio; García-Naya, José A.; González-López, Miguel; Dapena, Adriana (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2010-08)
      [Abstract] This paper describes the implementation of a MATLAB® tool to plot the three-dimensional polar radiation diagram generated by a conformal antenna array. A related tool has also been developed for visualizing the ...
    • A Novel Channel Estimation Scheme Combining Adaptive Supervised and Unsupervised Algorithms 

      Dapena, Adriana; Labrador, Josmary; Castro-Castro, Paula-María; García-Naya, José A. (IOS Press, 2012)
      [Abstract]: Channel estimation is a fundamental operation in digital communication systems that could be done using supervised or unsupervised (blind) strategies. Supervised techniques estimate the channel parameters using ...
    • A Novel Hybrid Approach to Improve Performance on Frequency Division Duplex Systems with Linear Precoding 

      Castro-Castro, Paula-María; García-Naya, José A.; Iglesia, Daniel I.; Dapena, Adriana (Springer, 2010)
      [Abstrtact] Linear precoding is an attractive technique to combat interference in multiple-input multiple-output systems because it reduces costs and power consumption in the receiver equipment. Most of the frequency ...
    • A Real-Time Implementation of the Mobile WiMAX ARQ and Physical Layer 

      Suárez-Casal, Pedro; Carro Lagoa, Ángel; García-Naya, José A.; Fraga-Lamas, Paula; Castedo, Luis; Morales-Méndez, Antonio (Springer, 2015)
      [Abstract] This paper presents an innovative software-defined radio architecture for the real-time implementation of WiMAX transceivers. The architecture consists of commercially available field-programmable gate array and ...
    • A TMA-FDA Approach for Two-Beam Steering 

      Maneiro-Catoira, Roberto; Brégains, Julio; García-Naya, José A.; Castedo, Luis (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021)
      [Abstract]: Frequency diverse arrays (FDAs) allow the synthesis of dot-shaped radiated patterns in the range-angle space by applying frequency offsets to the antenna elements. Conventional FDAs are usually implemented with ...
    • Adaptación al EEES de las prácticas de Electricidad y Electrónica de la E.T.S. de Náutica y Máquinas de la Universidade da Coruña mediante un diseño basado en competencias 

      Castro-Castro, Paula-María; Dapena, Adriana; García-Naya, José A.; Iglesia, Daniel I. (Universidade de Vigo, Facultade de Ciencias da Educacion, 2010)
      [Summary] The adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) of the subject of Electricity and Electronics at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Náutica y Máquinas of the University of A Coruña requires important ...
    • An IoT system for a smart campus: Challenges and solutions illustrated over several real-world use cases 

      Domínguez-Bolaño, Tomás; Barral Vales, Valentín; Escudero, Carlos J.; García-Naya, José A. (Elsevier, 2024-04)
      [Abstract]: This article discusses the development of an IoT system for monitoring and controlling various devices and systems from different vendors. The authors considered key challenges in IoT projects, such as ...
    • An IoT System for Smart Building Combining Multiple mmWave FMCW Radars Applied to People Counting 

      Barral Vales, Valentín; Domínguez-Bolaño, Tomás; Escudero, Carlos J.; García-Naya, José A. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024-11)
      [Abstract]: In contemporary society, the pressing challenge of preserving user privacy clashes with the imperative for smart buildings to efficiently manage their resources, particularly in the context of occupancy monitoring ...
    • An overview of IoT architectures, technologies, and existing open-source projects 

      Domínguez-Bolaño, Tomás; Campos Fernández, Omar; Barral Vales, Valentín; Escudero, Carlos J.; García-Naya, José A. (Elsevier, 2022-11)
      [Abstract]: Today’s needs for monitoring and control of different devices in organizations require an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that can integrate heterogeneous elements provided by multiple vendors and using ...
    • Analog Beamforming Using Time-Modulated Arrays With Digitally Preprocessed Rectangular Sequences 

      Maneiro-Catoira, Roberto; Brégains, Julio; García-Naya, José A.; Castedo, Luis (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018-03)
      [Abstract]: Conventional time-modulated arrays are based on the application of variable-width periodical rectangular pulses (easily implemented with radio frequency switches) to the individual antenna excitations. However, ...
    • Analog Video Encoding and Quality Evaluation 

      Balsa, José; Fresnedo, Óscar; García-Naya, José A.; Domínguez-Bolaño, Tomás; Castedo, Luis (M D P I AG, 2019-07-23)
      [Abstract] The most widespread analog video encoding systems in the literature are based on the use of the 2D and 3D DCT. These systems use both transformations indistinctly without assessing their suitability. In this ...
    • Aplicación web para evaluación y seguimiento del rendimiento de asignaturas y titulaciones universitarias 

      Dapena, Adriana; García-Naya, José A.; Castro-Castro, Paula-María; Pan, Christopher (Universidade de Vigo, Facultade de Ciencias da Educacion, 2010)
      [Summary] The adaptation of the university studies to the current European Higher Education Area (EHEA) requires the set up of mechanisms, which allow performance evaluation of the subjects compounding the new university ...
    • Bit Error Probability and Capacity Bound of OFDM Systems in Deterministic Doubly-Selective Channels 

      Domínguez-Bolaño, Tomás; Rodríguez Piñeiro, José; García-Naya, José A.; Castedo, Luis (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020-10)
      [Abstract]: Doubly-selective channels, such as those that occur when the transmitter and the receiver move relative to each other at high speeds, are a key scenario for fifth generation (5G) cellular systems, which are ...
    • Blind channel identification in Alamouti coded systems: a comparative study of eigendecomposition methods in indoor transmissions at 2.4 GHz 

      Pérez-Iglesias, Héctor J.; García-Naya, José A.; Dapena, Adriana; Castedo, Luis; Zarzoso, Vicente (Wiley, 2008)
      [Abstract]: This paper focuses on blind channel estimation in Alamouti coded systems with one receiving antenna working in indoor scenarios where the flat fading assumption is reasonable. A comparative study of several ...
    • Broadband Access in Complex Environments: LTE on Railway 

      Briso-Rodríguez, Cesar; López, Carlos F.; Fernández, Jean Raphaël Olivier; Pérez Jiménez, Sergio; Draskovic, Drasko; Calle-Sánchez, Jaime; Alonso Montes, José Ignacio; Rodríguez, Carlos; Hernández, Carlos; Molina-García, Mariano; moreno garcia-loygorri, Juan; Rodríguez Piñeiro, José; García-Naya, José A.; Castedo, Luis; Fernandez-Durán, Alfonso (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 2014)
      [Abstract]: This paper assesses the main challenges associated with the propagation and channel modeling of broadband radio systems in a complex environment of high speed and metropolitan railways. These challenges comprise ...
    • Channel estimation techniques for linear precoded systems: Supervised, unsupervised, and hybrid approaches 

      Castro-Castro, Paula-María; García-Naya, José A.; Dapena, Adriana; Iglesia, Daniel I. (Elsevier, 2011-07)
      [Abstract] Linear precoding is an attractive technique to combat interference in multiple-input multiple-output systems because it reduces cost and power consumption at the receiver. Frequency division duplex systems with ...