Browsing by Author "Cortiñas, Alejandro"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
A novel architecture for the detection, exploitation and historical archival of indoor semantic trajectories: A case study on nursing homes
Varela Rodeiro, Tirso; Gutiérrez-Asorey, Pablo; Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Penabad, Miguel R.; Cortiñas, Alejandro (Emerald, 2024)[Abstract]: We introduce an automatic system, based on indoor positioning techniques, aimed at improving the quality of service of a nursing home. It tracks the location of both residents and caregivers and automatically ... -
An Architecture for Software Engineering Gamification
Pedreira, Óscar; García, Félix; Piattini, Mario; Cortiñas, Alejandro; Cerdeira-Pena, Ana (Qinghua Daxue Xuebao Bianjibu,Tsinghua University, Editorial Board, 2020-05-07)[Abstract] Gamification has been applied in software engineering to improve quality and results by increasing people's motivation and engagement. A systematic mapping has identified research gaps in the field, one of them ... -
Combining Multiple Granularity Variability in a Software Product Line Approach for Web Engineering
Horcas Aguilera, José Miguel; Cortiñas, Alejandro; Fuentes, Lidia; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel (Elsevier, 2022)[Abstract] Context: Web engineering involves managing a high diversity of artifacts implemented in different languages and with different levels of granularity. Technological companies usually implement variable artifacts ... -
Development of a PLE Factory Environment with GitLab Integration and following ISO/IEC 26580
Buján, Alejandro; Cortiñas, Alejandro; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel (Association for Computing Machinery, 2024-09)[Abstract]: Product Line Engineering (PLE) is a strategic approach in software engineering. Existing PLE factory development environments often lack integration with modern development and version control platforms, limiting ... -
Efficient Multiscale Representations for Geographical Objects
Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Cortiñas, Alejandro; Gutiérrez-Asorey, Pablo; Luaces, Miguel; Varela Rodeiro, Tirso (Springer Nature, 2022-05-19)[Abstract]: Maps need different representations of the same cartographic object in order to display it at several scale levels. When a user zooms in, the object should depict every detail as it is the main focus on the ... -
Experiencias y resultados para facilitar la compatibilización de un máster interuniversitario con un trabajo a tiempo completo
Cortiñas, Alejandro; González-Jorge, Higinio; Ladra, Susana; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel (Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2018)[Resumen]: Presentamos un Máster interuniversitario en Geoinformática, impartido por las universidades de A Coruña y Vigo, y diseñado para que el alumno trabajador pueda seguir las clases. El máster se basa en el uso de ... -
GIS-Publisher: Simplifying web-based GIS application development for enhanced data dissemination
Lamas, Víctor; Castro, David de; Cortiñas, Alejandro; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel (Elsevier B.V., 2024-12)[Abstract]: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are complex systems that store, organize, process, and present geographically referenced data. Developing GIS requires specialized knowledge of algorithms, data structures, ... -
Herramienta para la visualización de la movilidad durante la pandemia
Cortiñas, Alejandro; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel; Pedreira, Óscar (Sistedes, 2021)[Resumen]: En este artículo presentamos una herramienta prototipo desarrollada entre los meses de mayo a julio del 2020, durante la situación de pandemia por el COVID-19, para mostrar la información de movilidad proporcionada ... -
Local features: Enhancing variability modeling in software product lines
Castro, David de; Cortiñas, Alejandro; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel; Pedreira, Óscar; Saavedra Places, Ángeles (Elsevier, 2024-07)[Abstract]: Context and motivation: Software Product Lines (SPL) enable the creation of software product families with shared core components using feature models to model variability. Choosing features from a feature model ... -
Multilevel Modeling of Geographic Information Systems Based on International Standards
Alvarado, Suilen H.; Cortiñas, Alejandro; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel; Pedreira, Óscar; Saavedra Places, Ángeles (SpringerLink, 2021)[Abstract] Even though different applications based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide different features and functions, they all share a set of common concepts (e.g., spatial data types, operations, services), ... -
Re-ingeniería y Modernización de la Biblioteca Virtual Galega
Ramos-Vidal, Delfina; Cortiñas, Alejandro; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel; Pedreira, Óscar; Saavedra Places, Ángeles (Sistedes, 2021)[Resumen]: La Biblioteca Virtual Galega (BVG) es una biblioteca digital de referencia en literatura gallega de todos los tiempos, para el público general y especialmente para centros de educación de enseñanza obligatoria ... -
Software product line for web-based geographic information systems
Cortiñas, Alejandro (2017)[Abstract] Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) is a research field that seeks to industrialize software development using techniques such as mass-production and mass-customization or reusing software components. A ... -
Utilización de estructuras compactas para la generalización cartográfica de información geográfica vectorial
Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Cortiñas, Alejandro; Gutiérrez-Asorey, Pablo; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel; Varela Rodeiro, Tirso (Sistedes, 2021)[Resumen]: A pesar de la madurez tecnológica de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica, todavía existen retos de investigación relevantes en el campo relacionados con las problemáticas del almacenamiento y representación ...