Browsing by Author "Andrade-Garda, José Manuel"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
A Low-Cost System to Simulate Environmental Microplastic Weathering
Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Fernández-González, V.; López-Mahía, P.; Muniategui, Soledad (Elsevier, 2019-12)[Abstract] Society concerns about the potential thread of microplastics into the environment call for detailed laboratory and field studies to assess their fate, in particular, their weathering. This can hardly be done in ... -
A Reliable Method for the Isolation and Characterization of Microplastics in Fish Gastrointestinal Tracts Using an Infrared Tunable Quantum Cascade Laser System
López-Rosales, Adrián; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Fernández-González, V.; López-Mahía, P.; Muniategui, Soledad (Elsevier, 2022-03-26)[Abstract] Societal and environmental concern due to frequent reports of microplastics in fish stomachs raised as they may accumulate along the trophic chain. The request for analysing microplastics in fish stresses two ... -
A Reliable Method to Determine Airborne Microplastics Using Quantum Cascade Laser Infrared Spectrometry
López-Rosales, Adrián; Ferreiro, Borja; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Fernández-Amado, María; González-Pleiter, Miguel; López-Mahía, P.; Rosal, Roberto; Muniategui, Soledad (Elsevier, 2024-01-05)[Abstract] The number of studies dealing with airborne microplastics (MPs) is increasing but sampling and sample treatment are not standardized, yet. Here, a fast and reliable method to characterize MPs is presented. It ... -
A Sensor-Based Methodology to Differentiate Pure and Mixed White Tequilas Based on Fused Infrared Spectra and Multivariate Data Treatment
Pérez-Beltrán, Christian Hazael; Zúñiga-Arroyo, Víctor M.; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Cuadros Rodríguez, Luis; Pérez-Caballero, G.; Jiménez-Carvelo, Ana María (MDPI, 2021-02-27)[Abstract]: Mexican Tequila is one of the most demanded import spirits in Europe. Its fast-raising worldwide request makes counterfeiting a profitable activity affecting both consumers and legal distillers. In this paper, ... -
A Simple Procedure to Select a Model for Mass Discrimination Correction in Isotope Dilution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Terán Baamonde, Javier; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Soto-Ferreiro, Rosa-María; Carlosena, Alatzne; Prada-Rodríguez, Darío (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015-05)[Abstract] A fast, simple and straightforward procedure to decide on the best model to calculate the mass discrimination factor in Isotope Dilution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ID-ICP-MS) is proposed. ... -
Authentication of tequilas using pattern recognition and supervised classification
Pérez-Caballero, G.; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Olmos, P.; Molina, Y.; Jiménez, I.; Durán, J.J.; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Miguel-Cruz, F. (Elsevier, 2017-07-18)[Abstract] Sales of reputed, Mexican tequila grown substantially in last years and, therefore, counterfeiting is increasing steadily. Hence, methodologies intended to characterize and authenticate commercial beverages are ... -
Comparison of Microplastic Type, Size, and Composition in Atmospheric and Foliage Samples in an Urban Scenario
Falakdin, Parisa; López-Rosales, Adrián; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Terzaghi, Elisa; Di Guardo, Antonio; Muniategui, Soledad (Elsevier, 2024-04-17)[Abstract] The rising trend of plastic production in last years and the inadequate disposal of related waste has raised concerns regarding microplastic-related environmental issues. Microplastic particles disperse by means ... -
Development of a Fast and Efficient Method to Analyze Microplastics in Planktonic Samples
López-Rosales, Adrián; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Grueiro-Noche, Gloria; Fernández-González, V.; López-Mahía, P.; Muniategui, Soledad (Elsevier, 2021-04-22)[Abstract] Microplastics (MPs) affect plankton (a basis of the trophic chain) and planktivorous fish can ingest them through food confusion or by trophic transmission. Consensus to determine MPs in plankton is lacking and, ... -
Development of an Analytical Procedure to Analyze Microplastics in Edible Macroalgae Using an Enzymatic-Oxidative Digestion
López-Rosales, Adrián; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; López-Mahía, P.; Muniategui, Soledad (Elsevier, 2022-08-30)[Abstract] Besides being food and a refuge to marine species, macroalgae are a powerful and renewable economic resource. However, they may introduce microplastics (MPs) in the trophic chain. We developed a reliable analytical ... -
Fast Quality Control of Natural Gas for Commercial Supply and Transport Utilities
Ferreiro, Borja; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; López-Mahía, P.; Muniategui, Soledad; Vázquez, Cristina; Pérez, Andrés; Rey, María; Vales Fernández, Carlos (Elsevier, 2021-07-28)[Abstract] Quality control of natural gas frequently relies on off-line slow standardized chromatographic techniques. Previous implementations of new measurement approaches focused of synthetic mixtures without extensive ... -
Hybrid Model Based on Genetic Algorithms and SVM Applied to Variable Selection Within Fruit Juice Classification
Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Canto, C.; Gestal, M.; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Rabuñal, Juan R.; Dorado, Julián; Pazos, A. (Hindawi, 2013-10-21)[Abstract] Given the background of the use of Neural Networks in problems of apple juice classification, this paper aim at implementing a newly developed method in the field of machine learning: the Support Vector Machines ... -
Identification of Distinct and Common Subpopulations of Myxoid Liposarcoma and Ewing Sarcoma Cells Using Self-Organizing Maps
Forootan, Amin; Andersson, Daniel; Dolatabadi, Soheila; Svec, David; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Ståhlberg, Anders (MDPI, 2023-01-14)[Abstract] Myxoid liposarcoma and Ewing sarcoma are the two most common tumor types that are characterized by the FET (FUS, EWSR1 and TAF15) fusion oncogenes. These FET fusion oncogenes are considered to have the same ... -
Impact of Weathering on the Chemical Identification of Microplastics From Usual Packaging Polymers in the Marine Environment
Fernández-González, V.; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; López-Mahía, P.; Muniategui, Soledad (Elsevier, 2021-01-15)[Abstract] Most of the plastics produced worldwide are finally disposed into the environment, most of them being one-use plastic packaging. Once released, plastics may undergone degradation through several agents, such as ... -
Implementación de un sistema de aseguramiento de calidad en un laboratorio industrial: aplicaciones quimiométricas
Andrade-Garda, José Manuel (1995)[Resumen] Se han analizado los requisitos necesarios para la implantacion de un sistema de aseguramiento de la calidad, sometido a las directrices internacionales, para su posterior implantacion en un laboratorio industrial. ... -
Misidentification of PVC Microplastics in Marine Environmental Samples
Fernández-González, V.; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; López-Mahía, P.; Muniategui, Soledad (Elsevier, 2022-04-30)[Abstract] Poly(vinylchloride), PVC, is the third most demanded polymer in Europe although its presence in marine ecosystems, surprisingly, is scarcely observed. This does not reflect neither its production nor its widespread ... -
Modeling the Natural Gas Knocking Behaviour Using Gas-Phase Infrared Spectra and Multivariate Calibration
Ponte, Santiago; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Vázquez, Cristina; Ferreiro, Borja; Cobas, Carlos; Pérez, Andrés; Rey, María; Vales Fernández, Carlos; Pellitero, José; Santracruz, Blanca; Muniategui, Soledad; López-Mahía, P.; Shu, Bo; Bettin, Helga; Klaus, Daniela; Anders, Bert; Betz, Marius; Kühne, Ulf; Meier, Christian; Eilts, Peter (Elsevier, 2021-04-01)[Abstract] To assess the knocking properties of natural gas (NG) when it is used as fuel for vehicles is vital to optimize the design and functioning of their motors. Analytical efforts in this field are needed as the ... -
Monitorization of Polyamide Microplastics Weathering Using Attenuated Total Reflectance and Microreflectance Infrared Spectrometry
Fernández-González, V.; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Ferreiro, Borja; López-Mahía, P.; Muniategui, Soledad (Elsevier, 2021-07-10)[Abstract] The EU goal to reduce marine plastic litter by ca. 30% by 2020 stressed the need to deploy analytical methods to ascertain the polymeric nature of a residue. Furthermore, as plastics age under natural conditions ... -
New Ways for the Advanced Quality Control of Liquefied Natural Gas
Ferreiro, Borja; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Paz-Quintáns, Carlota; López-Mahía, P.; Muniategui, Soledad (MDPI, 2022-01-04)[Abstract] Currently, gas chromatography is the most common analytical technique for natural gas (NG) analysis as it offers very precise results, with very low limits of detection and quantification. However, it has several ... -
PAHs, Pesticides, Personal Care Products and Plastic Additives in Plastic Debris From Spanish Mediterranean Beaches
León, Víctor M.; García-Agüera, Inés; Moltó, Vicenç; Fernández-González, V.; Llorca-Pérez, Laura; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Muniategui, Soledad; Campillo, Juan Antonio (Elsevier, 2019-06-20)[Abstract] In this study the role of plastic debris as a pollution vector has been evaluated by determining the concentrations of hydrophobic organic contaminants in polymers from three Western Mediterranean coastal areas ... -
RICTA2024: 8th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology. A Coruña June 26th-28th, 2024
López-Mahía, P.; Muniategui, Soledad; Alonso-Rodríguez, Elia; Beceiro-González, Elisa; Carlosena, Alatzne; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Soto-Ferreiro, Rosa-María; Turnes-Carou, Isabel; Moreda-Piñeiro, Jorge; González-Castro, María-José; Prieto-Blanco, M. C.; Piñeiro-Iglesias, M.; Andrade-Garda, Javier (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2024)