Browsing by Author "Amor, Margarita"
Now showing items 1-20 of 34
A multi-GPU shallow-water simulation with transport of contaminants
Viñas Buceta, Moisés; Lobeiras Blanco, Jacobo; Fraguela, Basilio B.; Arenaz Silva, Manuel; Amor, Margarita; García Rodríguez, José Antonio; Castro, M.J.; Doallo, Ramón (Wiley, 2012)[Abstract] This work presents cost-effective multi-graphics processing unit (GPU) parallel implementations of a finite-volume numerical scheme for solving pollutant transport problems in bidimensional domains. The fluid ... -
Big Data Geospatial Processing for Massive Aerial LiDAR Datasets
Deibe, David; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón (M D P I AG, 2020-02-21)[Abstract] For years, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology has been considered as a challenge when it comes to developing efficient software to handle the extremely large volumes of data this surveying method is ... -
Big Data Geospatial Processing for Massive Aerial LiDAR Datasets
Deibe, David; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón (MDPI AG, 2020-02-21)[Abstract] For years, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology has been considered as a challenge when it comes to developing efficient software to handle the extremely large volumes of data this surveying method is ... -
Big data storage technologies: a case study for web-based LiDAR visualization
Deibe, David; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón (IEEE, 2018)[Abstract]: Big data technologies have been growing up quickly during past years. New storage and computing solutions appear while those already established in the market are improved with new features and better performance. ... -
BPLG: A Tuned Butterfly Processing Library for GPU Architectures
Lobeiras Blanco, Jacobo; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón (Springer New York LLC, 2015)[Abstract]: In order to increase the efficiency of existing software many works are incorporating GPU processing. However, despite the current advances in GPU languages and tools, taking advantage of their parallel ... -
BPLG–BMCS: GPU-sorting algorithm using a tuning skeleton library
Pérez Diéguez, Adrián; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón (Springer New York LLC, 2017)[Abstract] In this work, we present an efficient and portable sorting operator for GPUs. Specifically, we propose an algorithmic variant of the bitonic merge sort which reduces the number of processing stages and internal ... -
Designing Efficient Index-Digit Algorithms for CUDA GPU Architectures
Lobeiras Blanco, Jacobo; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón (IEEE, 2016-05)[Abstract]: Modern graphics processing units (GPUs) offer very high computing power at relatively low cost. Nevertheless, designing efficient algorithms for the GPUs normally requires additional time and effort, even for ... -
Efficient Culling Techniques for Interactive Deformable NURBS Surfaces on GPU
Concheiro, Raquel; Amor, Margarita; Padrón, Emilio J.; Doggett, Michael (SciTePress, 2016-02)[Abstrtact] InfoValue: NURBS (Non-uniform rational B-splines) surfaces are the standard freeform representation in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) applications. Rendering NURBS surfaces accurately while they are interactively ... -
Efficient high-precision integer multiplication on the GPU
Pérez Diéguez, Adrián; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón; Nukada, Akira; Matsuoka, Satoshi (SAGE Journals, 2022-03)[Abstract]: The multiplication of large integers, which has many applications in computer science, is an operation that can be expressed as a polynomial multiplication followed by a carry normalization. This work develops ... -
Efficient Scan Operator Methods on a GPU
Pérez Diéguez, Adrián; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón (IEEE Computer Society, 2014)[Abstract]: Current GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) offer high computational power at relatively low cost, nonetheless, this enhanced performance often comes at the expenses of flexibility and code complexity. Efficient ... -
Efficient Solving of Scan Primitive on Multi-GPU Systems
Pérez Diéguez, Adrián; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón; Nukada, Akira; Matsuoka, Satoshi (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018)[Abstract]: GPUs fulfill high computation demands, but it is necessary to develop code carefully, selecting algorithms well suited to the GPU architecture and applying different optimizations. This article presents a ... -
EXIT: camiñando coa pintura e poesía_ARTencontros
Amor, Margarita; Serantes-Pazos, Araceli; Trebacz, Gosia (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2019) -
Free adaptive tessellation strategy of bézier surfaces
Concheiro, Raquel; Amor, Margarita; Bóo, Montserrat; Padrón, Emilio J. (SciTePress, 2014-01)[Abstract] Rendering of Bézier surfaces is currently performed by tessellating the model on the GPU and rendering the highly detailed triangle mesh. Whereas non-adaptive strategies apply the same tessellation pattern to ... -
GVLiDAR: an interactive web-based visualization framework to support geospatial measures on lidar data
Deibe Seoane, David; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón; Miranda, David; Cordero, Miguel (Taylor & Francis, 2017)[Abstract] In recent years lidar technology has experienced a noticeable increase in its relevance and usage in a number of scientific fields. Therefore, software capable of handling lidar data becomes a key point in those ... -
High-performance Monte Carlo radiosity on GPU based on scene partitioning
Sanjurjo Amado, José Rodrigo; Amor, Margarita; Bóo, Montserrat; Doallo, Ramón (Elsevier, 2012-03)[Abstract]: The recent interest in GPGPU, (General-Purpose computation on Graphics Processing Unit), has stimulated improvements in the programmability of the GPU. Although the utilization of new languages like OpenCL and ... -
Hybrid terrain rendering based on the external edge primitive
Paredes, E.G.; Amor, Margarita; Bóo, Montserrat; Bruguera, Javier D.; Döllner, Jürgen (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2016)[Abstract]: Hybrid terrain models combine large regular data sets and high-resolution irregular meshes [triangulated irregular network (TIN)] for topographically and morphologically complex terrain features such as man-made ... -
Influence of memory access patterns to small-scale FFT performance
Lobeiras Blanco, Jacobo; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón (Springer, 2013)[Abstract]: Modern GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) offer very high computing power at relative low cost. To take advantage of their computing resources and develop efficient implementations is essential to have certain ... -
Interactive Rendering of NURBS Surfaces
Concheiro, Raquel; Amor, Margarita; Padrón, Emilio J.; Doggett, Michael (Pergamon Press, 2014)[Abstract] NURBS (Non-uniform rational B-splines) surfaces are one of the most useful primitives employed for high quality modeling in CAD/CAM tools and graphics software. Since direct evaluation of NURBS surfaces on the ... -
Interactive Visualization of Large Point Clouds Using an Autotuning Multiresolution Out-Of-Core Strategy
Teijeiro, Diego; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón; Deibe, David (Oxford University Press, 2023)[Abstract]: Due to the increasingly large amount of data acquired into point clouds, from LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensors and 2D/3D sensors, massive point clouds processing has become a topic with high interest ... -
Land consolidation through parcel exchange among landowners using a distributed Spark-based genetic algorithm
Teijeiro, Diego; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón; Corbelle-Rico, Eduardo; Porta, Juan; Parapar López, Jorge (Springer, 2022-12)[Abstract]: Land consolidation is an essential tool for public administrations to reduce the fragmentation of land ownership. In particular, parcel exchange shows promising potential for restructuring parcel holdings, even ...