Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Electrical Conductivity and Nyquist Plot of C₄C₁Im BF₄ at Room Temperature by Impedance Spectroscopy 

      Vallet, Pablo; Parajó, Juan José; Sotuela, Félix; Morcillo, Ángel; Villanueva López, María; Cabeza, Óscar; Varela, Luis M.; Salgado, Josefa (MDPI, 2020-11-14)
      [Abstract] Ionic liquids (ILs) represent a real alternative for electrochemical applications due to their remarkable characteristics, namely a very low vapour pressure, low flammability, high thermal stability, wide potential ...
    • New Toroidal Beam Antennas for WLAN Communications 

      Brégains, Julio; Franceschetti, G.; Roederer, A. G.; Ares Pena, F. J. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2007-02)
      [Abstract] The design of a number of new antennas that radiate linearly polarized toroidal beams is described. The developed procedures are based on the use of a method of moments commercial software tool. Several numerical ...