• Environmental Sustainability in Information Technologies Governance 

      Rivas-Asanza, Wilmer; Celleri-Pacheco, Jennifer; Andrade-Garda, Javier; García-Vázquez, Rafael; Rodríguez-Yáñez, Santiago; Mato-Abad, Virginia; Suárez-Garaboa, Sonia (M D P I AG, 2018-12-15)
      [Abstract] In the present day, many risk factors affect the continuity of a business. However, this situation produces a conducive atmosphere to approach alternatives that relieve this situation for organizations. Within ...
    • Regreso a Nova Crunia: una visión global de las tres ediciones del MOOC Sostenibilidad en la era del Big Data 

      Gago-Cortés, Carmen; Alló, María; Longarela-Ares, Ángeles; Mourelle, Estefanía (Centro Universitario de Formación e Innovación Educativa (CUFIE), Universidade da Coruña, 2022)
      [Resumen] Las instituciones de educación superior tratan de contribuir cada vez más a la sociedad, incorporando acciones de desarrollo sostenible en su manera de funcionar y en el curriculum académico. Asimismo, en la ...
    • The Role of Personality in the Adoption of Pro-Environmental Behaviors through the Lens of the Value-Belief-Norm Theory 

      Hidalgo, José; Montoya, Andrés Danilo Velástegui; Amaya-Rivas, J. L.; Soto, Manuel; Riel, Andreas (MDPI, 2023-08-24)
      [Abstract] The present study investigated citizens’ self-reported pro-environmental behaviors by adopting a survey and bootstrapping via structural equation modeling for five different personality traits. Adopting one ...