Browsing by Research Group "Culturas e Literaturas dos Estados Unidos de América (CLEU)"
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
A Queer Eye for Gilman’s Text: The Yellow Wallpaper, a Film by PBS
(The Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies (AEDEAN), 2019)[Abstract] This article puts forward a queer interpretation of PBS’s The Yellow Wallpaper (1989), adapted from Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s canonical story. It is structured in three parts: an approach to the term queer, a ... -
An interview with Ama Ata Aidoo: "I Learnt my First Feminist Lessons in Africa"
(Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 2003)[Abstract] This is an interview with Ghanaian writer Ama Ata Aidoo. It took place in Acrra (Ghana), on January 1998. Aidoo is considered an outspoken African writer who tackles feminist issues in her fiction. In this ... -
“And This is What I Saw”: (Un)Natural Waste in Cathy Park Hong’s “Fable of the Last Untouched Town”
(Universidad de La Laguna, 2023)Abstract] At its most philosophical, poetry can help us imagine alternative realities. In “Fable of the Last Untouched Town,” Cathy Park Hong manages to complicate current notions of nature by way of an unusual form of ... -
Discursive Constructions of Waste and Slow Violence in Ann Pancake’s Strange as this Weather Has Been
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2022-12)[Abstract] This paper addresses the representation of environmental destruction in the Appalachian coalfields in the novel Strange as this Weather Has Been(Ann Pancake, 2007). Pancake’s book follows the disbandment of ... -
Ecocriticism and Asian American Literature: Gold Mountains, Weedflowers and Murky Globes
(Springer, 2020)[Abstract] Ecocriticism and Asian American Literature: Gold Mountains, Weedflowers, and Murky Globes offers an ecocritical reinterpretation of Asian American literature. The book considers more than a century of Asian ... -
From Pensive Vegetables to Feminine Men: The Dialogical Posthuman in Silko, Moure, and Jen
(University of Alberta Library, 2022)[Abstract] Encouraging cross-genre and cross-culture dialogues, this paper examines the short fiction of Native-American Leslie Marmon Silko and Chinese-American Gish Jen, together with the poetry of European-Canadian Erín ... -
From Waste to Hope An Interview with Marco Armiero
(Universida, 2023)[Abstract] An Interview with Marco Armiero -
Humor, Gender, and Sex(uality) in Text and Film: Incredible Shrinking Men from Mark Twain to Lorrie Moore
(Universitat de Barcelona, 2020)[Abstract] This article compares The Diaries of Adam and Eve (Twain, 1904-1906), The Incredible Shrinking Man (Arnold, 1957), and “You’re Ugly, Too” (Moore, 2008) from the perspectives of humor, feminism, and queer theory. ... -
Introduction: Azaleas and so on
(Universidad de La Laguna, 2023)[Abstract] Wallace Stevens famously placed flowers amongst the “things that are in the dump [...] and the things that will be,” hoping to find a “purifying change” between “that disgust and this.” In the ... -
“Junk You Can't Abandon”: Hoarding and Waste in Andrew Lam and Karen Tei Yamashita
(Universidad de Murcia, 2022)[Abstract] In the last decades a concern with waste has started to “surface” not just in the economic and social sciences, but also in the humanities, where it has lately clustered around Waste Studies and Waste Theory. ... -
Literary Challenges to the Patriarchal Notion of Female Heterosexuality: Six Stories by Women Authors from Le Sueur (1936) to Lawson (2016)
(Universidad Carlos III, 2020)[Abstract] This article puts forth a comparative study of six short fictions by female authors—Le Sueur, Dinesen, Atwood, Kincaid, Alvarez, and Lawson—which replicate and challenge patriarchal notions on women’s ... -
Migrant Women’s Bodies in Transit: From Sub-Saharan Africa to Spain in Real Life and Film
(De Gruyter, 2019)[Abstracts] The purpose of this chapter is to focus on African women’s bodies in transit from West Africa to Spain, in view of Gerardo Olivares’s42 pioneer film on the topic, 14 Kilometros (2007). Although the protagonist ... -
Mulleres, guerras e memorias subalternas de Filipinas a Galicia: os (des)afectos en Merlinda Bobis e Simón Casal
(Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2020)[Abstract] This article compares two cultural creations, “Fish-hair woman” (1999) –a story by the Filipina- Australian author Merlinda Bobis– and Lobos sucios (2015) –a film by the Galician director Simón Casal de Miguel, ... -
Muriel Rukeyser's The Book of the Dead and the Representational Challenges of Slow Violence
(Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Filología, 2022)[Resumen] Los sucesos narrados por Muriel Rukeyseren The Book of the Dead (1938) constituyen un buen ejemplo de lo que Rob Nixon denomina “violencia lenta,” un tipo de violencia alejada de la espectacularidad, violencia ... -
Playing With (Un)Marked Cards: Intersectionality in Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif"
(Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2022-12-01)[Résumé] “Recitatif” (1983) de Toni Morrison constitue la première expérience avouée de l’autrice visant à dissimuler les marqueurs raciaux dans un récit, une tactique audacieuse que l’écrivaine décrit dans Playing in the ... -
Queeremos a Gloria Anzaldúa: Identity, Difference, New Tribalism, and Affective Eco-Dialogues
(Instituto Franklin de Investigación en Estudios Norteamericanos, Universidad de Alcalá, 2018)[Abstract] This article starts by conceptualizing Anzaldúa’s (and other thinkers’) approaches to poetry, queerness, identity, and difference from Borderlands (1987) to later works. Part two examines ... -
Review of The Death of Things: Ephemera and and the American Novel by Sarah Wasserman. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2020, 272 pp. ISBN 978-1517909789)
(Universidad de La Laguna, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2023)[Abstract] Review of The Death of Things: Ephemera and and the American Novel by Sarah Wasserman. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2020, 272 pp. ISBN 978-1517909789) -
The Feminist Writing of Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Pausing for the Chronotope
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2006)[Abstract]The purpose of this paper is at least triple-fold. First of all, it hopes to show a fruitful dialogue between feminist and Bakhtinian critical approaches. Second, by means of a chronotopic reading of C. P. Gilman’s ... -
The Junkyard in the Jungle: Transnational, Transnatural Nature in Karen Tei Yamashita’s Through the Arc of the Rain Forest
(Journal of Transnational American Studies, 2010)[Abstract] In this new millennium the relatively young field of ecocriticism has had to face important transdisciplinary, transnational, and transnatural challenges. This article attempts to demonstrate how two of the major ... -
The Repentant Devil’s Advocate: Narrating Slow Violence in Michael Clayton and Dark Waters
(Taylor & Francis, 2023-12-20)[Abstract] Gradual environmental violence, what Rob Nixon calls “slow violence,” poses obvious representational challenges for filmmakers due to its agential and temporal dispersion. In sharp contrast to the direct filmic ...