O arquétipo da traduçâo portuguesa da Estoire del Saint Graal à luz de um testemunho recente

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O arquétipo da traduçâo portuguesa da Estoire del Saint Graal à luz de um testemunho recenteAutor(es)
2009Cita bibliográfica
Revista Galega de Filoloxía, 2009, 10: 11-38. ISSN: 1576-2661
[Abstract] The fragment of Estória do Santo Graal (mistakenly referred to as Livro de José de
Arimateia), recently discovered in Arquivo Distrital do Porto testifies, together with
the Livro de Merlin and the Livro de Tristan fragments, the translation process of the
Arthurian cycle in prose from French into Galician-Portuguese in the thirteenth-fourteenth
centuries. In this study, we shall start by examining the nature of the relation between this
fragment and the Portuguese testimony known from Torre do Tombo; secondly, we shall
examine the construction of the version (versions) of the French romance from which
the Portuguese testimonies descend and, finally, the place of the version (versions) in
the framework of the well-known stemma codicum panorama of Estoire del Saint Graal.
We shall proceed with a systematic colation of Portuguese and French testimonies.
Palabras chave
Literatura medieval
Romance arturiano
Medieval literature
Arthurian romance
Romance arturiano
Medieval literature
Arthurian romance