Quadro comum de referência: abandono da tradiçâo jurídica européia em nome da europeizacâo do Direito?

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Quadro comum de referência: abandono da tradiçâo jurídica européia em nome da europeizacâo do Direito?Autor(es)
2008Cita bibliográfica
Anuario da Facultade de Dereito da Universidade da Coruña, 2008, 12: 501-517. ISSN: 1138-039X
[Abstract] This article is about the Draft Common Frame of Reference, whose objective is
providing a common regulation for the European Private Law, especially for the Law of
Obligations. However, choices were made for the elaboration of the academic draft that
could frustrate the achievement of such objective: the formulation of rules and defini-
tions for the European Private Law only in English, the indefinite future (and eventual)
function of the DCFR, the wide coverage of its subjects and in particularly the absence
of legitimation caused by its distance from the continental legal traditions. To empha-
sise this point of view, the rules of the DCFR about the formation of contracts, benev-
olent intervention in another’s affairs und unjustified enrichment will be analysed.
Palabras clave
Quadro comum de referência
Direito europeu dos contratos
Direito comparado
Common frame of reference
European private law
Comparative law
Direito europeu dos contratos
Direito comparado
Common frame of reference
European private law
Comparative law