Mostrando ítems 11-13 de 13

    • Regional finite-state error repair 

      Vilares Ferro, Manuel; Otero Pombo, Juan; Graña Gil, Jorge (Springer-Verlag, 2004)
      [Abstract] We describe an algorithm to deal with error repair over finite-state architectures. Such a technique is of interest in spelling correction as well as approximate string matching in a variety of applications ...
    • A tagger environment for Galician 

      Vilares Ferro, Manuel; Graña Gil, Jorge; Araújo, T.; Cabrero, David; Diz, I. (1998)
      [Abstract] In this paper, we introduce a tagger environment for Galician, the native language of Galicia. Galician belongs to the group of Romance languages which developed from the Latin imposed on the north-west of the ...
    • Spelling correction on technical documents 

      Vilares Ferro, Manuel; Otero Pombo, Juan; Graña Gil, Jorge (2005)
      [Abstract] We describe a novel approach to spelling correction applied on technical documents, a task that requires a number of especific properties such as eficiency, safety and maintenance. In opposite to previous works, ...