Listar REV - CLXL - Vol. 24 (1999) por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-12 de 12
Índices de rugosidad y estimación del almacenamiento temporal de agua en un terreno de cultivo
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] Soil surface roughness is considered an important parameter which affects hydraulic properties of the soil surface. The evaluation of maximum water depressional storage (MDS), i.e. the absolute volume of water ... -
Teoría fractal y efecto de cambio de escala: aplicación al estudio de la porosidad del suelo
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] In this article the fractal theory and its application to soil structure and porosity is rewieved.Fractal geometry may provide a reliable description of soil structure, particularly in the case of heterogeneous ... -
As Fosas de Vila: estructura y mineralogía de un yacimiento aurífero de cizalla (A Coruña). España
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] This paper studies a shear zone containing a gold-bearing milonitic body, in which, evidences of several mining works are still visible. The geometry of the structure is described, as well as the different ... -
Anatomia de algumas ocorrências de gemas e seu enquadramento em protocolos de ordenamento territorial – contributo para uma reflexão sobre o estatuto dos depósitos gemíferos portugueses
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] Anatomy and Classification of Portuguese Gemstone Deposits and their inclusion in Territorial Management Protocols - The concept of gemstone resources includes the consideration of aspects such as the genetic ... -
Nuevos datos para la cronología glaciar pleistocena en el NW de la Península Ibérica
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] The age of glacial features subaerial exposition: polished surfaces and morainic blocks using cosmogenic isotopes in granite substrate areas of the NW Iberian Peninsula have permitted to distinguish several ... -
Factores de formación y propiedades de los suelos formados sobre calizas en Galicia
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] We describe the forming factors, properties, typology and distribution of soils developed over limestone in Galicia. According to the degree of development, three main tipes are distinguished. AR soils in ... -
Cartografía de las propiedades generales del suelo a escala de cuenca
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] The spatial structure of gravel content and three textural fractions (sand, silt, clay) was investigated in a 19.8 ha mixed, agricultural and forest catchment through of geostatistical techniques. Three different ... -
Relación entre índices de rugosidad: resultados de dos años de experiencias
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] Tillage-induced soil surface roughness is an important factor in preventing runoff generation and soil erosion, because of depressions storing water and the effect of surface shape protecting soil from splash ... -
Sobre los grandes bóvidos pleistocenos (Bovidae, Mammalia) en el NO de la Península Ibérica
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] Large bovids (Bos primigenius and Bison priscus) bone remains from NW Iberian Peninsula sites are studied in this paper. Anatomic features in both species are highly similar, which makes difficult these bone ... -
Paleoecological implications inferred from stable isotopic signatures (δ13C,δ15N) in bone collagen of Ursus spelaeus ROS.-HEIN
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] Stable isotopic signatures measured in bone collagen provide with data related to the species diet type. In this paper we compare δ13C and δ15N outcomes in Ursus spelaeus ROS.-HEIN. Bone remains from Liñares ... -
Evidencias y pruebas significativas sobre la degradación subaérea en formas menores graníticas: análisis de casos
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] This paper deals with a whole significant questions on the subaerial evolution stage in the granitic minor forms, starting from several gnammas database. First, the ratio depth values (maximum/minimum) are inspect ... -
Characterisation of soils with mollic horizon formed over limestone in a humid temperate climate (Galicia, NW Spain)
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] Soils with a mollic horizon lying directly over limestone were characterized physicochemically, mineralogically and micromorphologically. The development of these soils involves dissolution of limestone and ...