Listar REV - CLXL - Vol. 19 (1994) por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 27
Los modelos tectónicos del Sistema Central Español
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994)The author presents the different tectonic models which have been proposed, in order to explain the origin ofthe Spanish Central Range. These tectonic models are divided in two main groups: the thick-skinned tectonics ... -
Cinemática y dinámica de las deformaciones en la zona del alto Tajo (Guadalajara)
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994) -
Las rocas albíticas (albititas) del Norte de Lugo y Asturias (zona asturoccidental leonesa)
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994) -
Evolución y estructuras alpinas en la zona del centro peninsular
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994) -
El haz lineal filoniano granítico-adamellítico (riolítico), de dirección N120-130E asociado al batolito de los pedroches
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994) -
Etapas e controlo alpino da sedimentação na bacia do Sado (SW de Portugal)
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994) -
Aprovechamiento racional de un afloramiento de granito
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994)[Abstract] This piece analizes the possibilities of mining exploitation in a little outcrop of rOSfl granite. The zone has been researched, recognizing the main structural discontinuities, and characterizing the rock mass ... -
Reactivación alpina de pliegues y fallas del zócalo hercínico de la Cordillera Ibérica: Ejemplos de la Sierra de la Demanda y la Serranía de Cuenca
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994)[Abstract] The structure of the Variscan basement of the Iberian Chain conditioned the geometry and orientation ofstructures formed during the Alpine compression. In the Sierra de la Demanda, located in the north-western ... -
Cristalinidad de caolinitas y génesis de caolines en la formación Arroyo Ruidero (Macizo de Ateca, Cadena Ibérica, Soria)
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994) -
Las Cuencas Terciarias gallegas en la terminación occidental de los relieves pirenaicos
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994)[Abstract] The structure shown by the Tertiary basins ofNW Spain is in agreement with a N-s shortening. These structures are specially well exposed in As Pontes and Meirama basins which belortg to a group of basins genetically ... -
Interpretación de la estructura de la zona NE de la cuenca de Madrid mediante datos gravimétricos
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994)[Abstract] Modelling of five profiles in the NE area of Madrid Basin shows that low anomalies are related to both the thicker sediments infill of the Basin and the basement rocks like gneiss and granites. The highs are ... -
The Pangaean inheritance
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994)[Abstract] Very old palaeosurfaces have been identified and dated in several parts of the former Gondwana and Laurasia. In Australia the separation from Antarctica was complete by the end of the Eocene so that any surface ... -
Las paleoalteraciones sobre el zócalo hercínico ibérico: aproximación a una interpretación regional a partir de perfiles españoles
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994)The Hercynian basement of the Iberian Peninsula has undergone different stages of supergenic weathering which has given rise to a superposition of several «weathering mantles». Remnants ofan old weathering mantle, Mesozoic ... -
Los problemas pendientes en la evolución morfológica del Sistema Central
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994)The Quaternary Landscape evolution in the Spanish Sistema Central range show a poor coupling with tectonic and climatic knowledge. Morphogenic activity shows more activity that could be explained in relation with accepted ... -
Los modelos genético-evolutivos del Sistema Central Español: implicaciones Morfotectónicas
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994)[Abstract] The characteristic morphostructure of the Spanish Central System corresponds to that of an ancient leveled massif, reactivated during the Tertiary Age by tectonic impulses related to the Alpine Orogeny; that is ... -
Geoquímica del granito de dos micas de A Espenuca: origen y evolución
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994)[Abstract] The A Espenuca two-mica granite, situated in the northern sector ofthe Central Iberian Zone, was variably deformed by the Valdoviño Fault. Deformation intensity is observed to increase from W to E, also being ... -
Extensión mesozoica y acortamiento alpino en el borde occidental de la Cuenca Vasco Cantábrica
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994)Geological cross-section through the western border of the Vasco-Cantabrian Basin show the existence ofthe extensional faults active during Permo-Mesozoic sedimentation, as well as the tectonic inversion of these faults ... -
Introducción al estudio de la minería del hierro, en los Pirineos de Catalunya y de Andorra
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994)In the Catalan and in the Andorran Pyrenees, as in the ariegian one, there is an enormous conjunct ofold mining explotations, dedicated to the extraction and to the benefit of the iron minerals. This explotations had his ... -
Neotectónica del borde oriental de la cuenca de Madrid
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994)[Abstract] An analysis ofthe neotectonic activity and the current stress state of the eastern border of Madrid Basin has been carried ont using structural-methods (fault population analysis), as well as seismological ... -
Evolución tectonotermal asociada con extensión a escala cortical: el ejemplo hercínico del domo gneísico del Tormes (NO Salamanca, Macizo Ibérico)
(Universidade da Coruña, 1994)[Abstract] The tectonothermal Variscan evolution ofthe Tormes Gneiss Dome is controlled by a subhorizontal ductile shear zone of crustal scale and extensional characteristics, that induced a quick exhumation ofthe deep ...