Django Unchained, American Slavery and The Dual Nature of Violence as a Tool for Oppression and Liberation
Django Unchained, American Slavery and The Dual Nature of Violence as a Tool for Oppression and LiberationAuthor(s)
Barros-Grela, EduardoDate
Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de FiloloxíaDescription
Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FIL). Inglés: estudios lingüísticos y literarios. Curso 2023/2024Abstract
[Abstract] This end-of-degree thesis will examine as its main subject of analysis the media
representation of North American slavery in the Antebellum Period and the history of
structural violence in the United States using the film Django Unchained (Quentin
Tarantino, 2012). Slavery, its presence in the United States and its role in shaping
American history and cultural identity has been present thoroughly in media. From Gone
with the Wind (Victor Fleming, 1939) to 12 Years a Slave (Steve McQueen, 2013) the
representations of slavery in film are varied in points of view and tone. Inevitably, such
films must also tackle violence; be it as the Civil War brought about by this practice or,
more commonly in recent decades, by portraying the perspective of the enslaved and the
violence inflicted upon them. Media developed through this lens, however, can
sometimes depict liberation as something achieved through non-violent self-actualization
or the intervention of sympathetic white men, as is the case of 12 Years a Slave. In this
aspect, Django Unchained is a rarity worth examining, where freedom is presented as
something earned with the same violence that is used to oppress, bringing back the figure
of the righteous gunslinger present in Westerns like the original Django (Sergio Corbucci,
1966). By analysing information present in other academic works related to the topic of
this dissertation and examining other related media, this end-of-degree thesis will prove
that previous media representations of slavery lacked the multi-faceted examination of
violence as a tool of both liberation and oppression that Django Unchained presents.
Django Unchained.
Django Unchained.
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