Feminism versus Feminism: a comparative analysis of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre and Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea
Feminism versus Feminism: a comparative analysis of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre and Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso SeaAuthor(s)
Barros-Grela, EduardoDate
Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de FiloloxíaDescription
Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FIL). Inglés: estudios lingüísticos y literarios. Curso 2023/2024Abstract
[Abstract] The purpose of this end-of-degree project is to analyze and compare Jane Eyre,
Bertha Mason and Antoinette Cosway —the three main female characters of Jane Eyre
and Wide Sargasso Sea—, as well as their representation in their stories, with a focus on
the topic of madness. Both these novels were written by feminist writers Charlotte Brontë
and Jean Rhys respectively. This essay focusses on the similarities and differences
between them and what makes them the two sides of the same coin. To conduct this
research, I have read both books and many different essays including the crucial work of
Gilbert and Gubar The Madwoman in The Attic. With many different points of view, I
superposed them and wrote down a general understanding of this topic. As a result of this
research, I could find that the idea of Bertha as a madwoman was indeed not as correct as
the novel Jane Eyre made us believe. Thanks to Jean Rhys’ work we can realize that
Bertha was the product of a woman that had an abusive life—both in her childhood and
her adulthood—that led her into a spiral of lunacy and incomprehension. This implies that
Bertha was not only a victim of a patriarchal society, but also the monster of a feminist
Marriage and misconception.
Marriage and misconception.
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