Asymptotic analysis of unilateral contact problems for linearly elastic shells: Error estimates in the membrane case

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Asymptotic analysis of unilateral contact problems for linearly elastic shells: Error estimates in the membrane caseFecha
2019Cita bibliográfica
Cao-Rial, M. T., & Rodríguez-Arós, Á. (2019). Asymptotic analysis of unilateral contact problems for linearly elastic shells: Error estimates in the membrane case. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 48, 40–53.
[Abstract] We consider a family of linearly elastic shells all sharing the same middle surface and in unilateral contact with a rigid foundation on the lower face. The shells are elliptic and their lateral face is clamped. Under these conditions, when the thickness tends to zero, the solution of the three-dimensional problem converges to the solution of a two-dimensional obstacle problem for an elastic membrane shell. In this paper we provide error estimates for this convergence. The proof uses a corrector method.
Palabras clave
Unilateral contact
Asymptotic análisis
Elasticity Membrane
Error estimates
Unilateral contact
Asymptotic análisis
Elasticity Membrane
Error estimates
This is an ACCEPTED VERSION of the following published document:
Cao-Rial, M. T., & Rodríguez-Arós, Á. (2019). Asymptotic analysis of unilateral contact
problems for linearly elastic shells: Error estimates in the membrane case. Nonlinear
Analysis: Real World Applications, 48, 40–53.
© 2019 This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license
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CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license