The experience of the Empty Museum: displaying cultural contents on an immersive, walkable VR room

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The experience of the Empty Museum: displaying cultural contents on an immersive, walkable VR roomFecha
2004Cita bibliográfica
Hernandez, L., Taibo, T., Seoane, A., Lopez, R., Lopez, R. (2004). The experience of the Empty Museum: displaying cultural contents on an immersive, walkable VR room. In Proceedings Computer Graphics International, 2004, p. 436-443, doi: 10.1109/CGI.2004.1309245
[Abstract] We describe the use of an immersive, walkable VR system called The Empty Museum that the authors have developed to allow the users to walk in virtual spaces where they can experience interactive 3D cultural contents. We briefly describe the architecture of the system, to focus on the analysis of the modes of interaction between user and content in this hybrid space where the user itself takes the role of the cursor and the physical space constitutes the interface. Finally, it shows several examples of its use on a real exhibition to display contents related to local topics, from traditions to art.
Palabras clave
Cultural differences
Virtual reality
Computer graphics
Virtual reality
Computer graphics
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