On benefits of cooperation under strategic power

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On benefits of cooperation under strategic powerAutor(es)
2020-05Cita bibliográfica
Fiestras-Janeiro, M.G., García-Jurado, I., Meca, A. et al. On benefits of cooperation under strategic power. Ann Oper Res 288, 285–306 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-019-03495-6
[Abstract]: We introduce a new model involving TU-games and exogenous structures. Specifically, we consider that each player in a population can choose an element in a strategy set and that, for every possible strategy profile, a TU-game is associated with the population. This is what we call a TU-game with strategies. We propose and characterize the maxmin procedure to map every game with strategies to a TU-game. We also study whether or not the relevant properties of TU-games are transmitted by applying the maxmin procedure. Finally, we examine two relevant classes of TU-games with strategies: airport and simple games with strategies.
Palabras clave
Airport games
Cooperative games
Game theory
Maxmin procedure
Simple games
Cooperative games
Game theory
Maxmin procedure
Simple games
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