Exploring cross-lingual word embeddings for the inference of bilingual dictionaries

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Exploring cross-lingual word embeddings for the inference of bilingual dictionariesFecha
2019Cita bibliográfica
Garcia, M., García-Salido, M., & Alonso, M. A. (2019). Exploring cross-lingual word embeddings for the inference of bilingual dictionaries. In TIAD@ LDK (pp. 32-41).
[Abstract]: We describe four systems to generate automatically bilingual
dictionaries based on existing ones: three transitive systems differing only
in the pivot language used, and a system based on a different approach
which only needs monolingual corpora in both the source and target
languages. All four methods make use of cross-lingual word embeddings
trained on monolingual corpora, and then mapped into a shared vector space. Experimental results confirm that our strategy has a good
coverage and recall, achieving a performance comparable to to the best
submitted systems on the TIAD 2019 gold standard set among the teams
participating at the TIAD shared task.
Palabras clave
Bilingual dictionaries
Cross-lingual word embeddings
Distributional semantics
Cross-lingual word embeddings
Distributional semantics
Paper included in:
Proceedings of TIAD-2019 Shared Task – Translation Inference Across Dictionaries
co-located with the 2nd Language, Data and Knowledge Conference (LDK 2019)
Leipzig, Germany, May 20, 2019.
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