m-Health System for the Self-management of Patients with Heart Failure

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m-Health System for the Self-management of Patients with Heart FailureAutor(es)
[Abstract] Increasingly, the use of technology is emerging as a tool to support health care. The
newinformation and telecommunications technologies have triggered a newparadigm in health:
in access, availability and management of information. Telemonitoring interventions in patients
with heart failure have been shown to be cost effective in reducing the rate of hospitalisations and
mortality. The development of m-Health applications focused on the centralization of care in patients,
considering the perspectives of different stakeholders, promises results not only in clinical
(mortality and morbidity) but also in patient outcome reports (quality of life and self-care). This
work presents an integrated information system for telemonitoring and self-management of patients
with heart failure
Palabras chave
Aplicaciones m-Health
Aplicaciones m-Health
Cursos e Congresos, C-155
Versión do editor
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)