GUANIN: GUi-driven Analyzer for NanoString Interactive Normalization
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GUANIN: GUi-driven Analyzer for NanoString Interactive NormalizationData
[Abstract] Most tools for NanoString data normalization, aside from the default NanoString
nCounter software, are R packages that focus on technical normalization but lack configurable
parameters. However, content normalization is the most sensitive, experiment-specific, and relevant
step to preprocess NanoString data. Currently, this step requires the use of multiple tools
and deep management and understanding of all the normalization process by the researcher.
To simplify this crucial step, we have developed GUANIN, a complete normalization tool that
offers a wide variety of options to introduce, filter, choose, and evaluate reference genes for content
normalization. GUANIN allows, among other features, introducing reference genes from
an endogenous subset, a useful approach that addresses the problems associated with the selection
of housekeeping genes only. GUANIN allows specific and straightforward normalization
approach for each experiment, using a wide variety of parameters with suggested adjustments.
GUANIN outperforms other available methods in terms of normalization, especially when comparison
groups are defined beforehand, and allows the researcher to comprehensively interact
with the preprocessing process without programming knowledge
Palabras chave
Cursos e Congresos, C-155
Versión do editor
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)