Mostrando ítems 1-5 de 19

    • A review of ship mooring systems 

      Villa Caro, Raúl; Carral Couce, Juan Carlos; Fraguela Formoso, José Ángel; López, Mario; Carral Couce, Luis Manuel (Brodarski Institute, 2018)
      [Abstract]:The physical principle that governs how ships are moored to a port has changed little over the years. Nevertheless, in recent decades, there have been developments in maritime transport towards increased vessel ...
    • El estudio de los buques de superficie autónomos, inteligentes y sostenibles: la extinción de las tripulaciones de los buques 

      Villa Caro, Raúl (Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, 2019-05)
      [Resumen]:Desde hace no muchos años, de forma paralela a su aparición en la telefonía móvil, o en automoción, se presentan ante nosotros los denominados buques autónomos o inteligentes. Por ello en 2018 tuvo lugar la primera ...
    • Embodied evolution in collective robotics: A review 

      Prieto García, Abraham; Bredeche, Nicolas; Haasdijk, Evert (Frontiers Media, 2018-02-22)
      [Abstract]: This article provides an overview of evolutionary robotics techniques applied to online distributed evolution for robot collectives, namely, embodied evolution. It provides a definition of embodied evolution ...
    • A Constrained Programming Model for the Optimization of Industrial-Scale Scheduling Problems in the Shipbuilding Industry 

      Pernas Álvarez, Javier; Crespo Pereira, Diego (MDPI, 2023-07-29)
      [Abstract]: This work presents an innovative constrained programming model for solving a flexible job-shop scheduling problem with assemblies and limited buffer capacity based on a real case from the shipbuilding industry. ...
    • Preface 

      Jayne, Chrisina; Mandic, Danilo; Duro, Richard J. (Elsevier, 2023)