Integrated management tool for a water supply system using artificial intelligence techniques: case study using the water supply system of A Coruña
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Integrated management tool for a water supply system using artificial intelligence techniques: case study using the water supply system of A CoruñaAutor(es)
Rabuñal, Juan R.Alvarellos, Alberto
Enxeñaría informática, Grao enDescrición
Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FIC). Enxeñaría Informática. Curso 2020/2021Resumo
[Abstract]: Access to safe drinking water is one of the most important goals of the 2030 agenda. In
order to make progress in this regard, it is necessary to modernize and adapt the distribution
of drinking water so that it reaches more places and of better quality.
My project aimed to offer an open-source and modernized alternative to the SCADA that
controls the Medusa facility –a mockup of the water distribution system of A Coruña, Spain–,
which is dedicated to testing and research in the field of hydraulics. In this way, it would be
possible to control the system remotely and in some cases activate an AI that automatically
solves errors, facilitating the research process and the control of the installation itself to the
civil engineers.
After implementing the SCADA and all its use cases, it was found that the new version
solves efficiency problems and performs its work better, i.e. it is able to provide more immediate
system status, in addition to allowing a more comprehensive control with real-time
graphs that measure different aspects of the installation. [Resumo]: O acceso á auga potable é un dos obxectivos máis importantes da axenda 2030. Para poder
facer avances neste aspecto, é necesario modernizar e adaptar a distribución de auga potable
de tal maneira que chegue a máis sitios e de mellor calidade.
O meu proxecto pretende ofrecer unha alternativa open- source e modernizada ao SCADA
que controla a instalación Medusa –unha maqueta do sistema de distribución de auga
da Coruña, España–, cuxo obxectivo a facer probas e investigación no ámbito da hidráulica.
Desta maneira, poderase controlar o sistema de forma remota e nalgúns casos activar unha
IA que solucione erros de forma automática, facilitando aos enxeñeiros de camiños o proceso
de investigación e o control da propia instalación.
Despois de implementar o SCADA e todos os seus casos de uso, púidose comprobar que a
nova versión soluciona problemas de eficiencia e realiza mellor o seu traballo, é dicir é capaz
de ofrecer de forma máis inmediata o estado do sistema, ademais de permitir un control máis
exhaustivo coas gráficas en tempo real que miden diferentes aspectos da instalación.
Palabras chave
Sistema de abastecemento de auga
Sistema experto
Control remoto
Internet das cousas
Intelixencia artificial
Expert system
Water supply system
Artificial intelligence
Remote control
Sistema experto
Control remoto
Internet das cousas
Intelixencia artificial
Expert system
Water supply system
Artificial intelligence
Remote control
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 ES)