Mostrando ítems 1-5 de 111

    • Associative pyridinium electrolytes for air-tolerant redox flow batteries 

      Carrington, Mark E.; Sokołowski, Kamil; Jónsson, Erlendur; Zhao, Evan Wenbo; Graf, Anton; Temprano, Israel; McCune, Jade A.; Grey, Clare; Scherman, Oren (Springer Nature, 2023-11-29)
      [Abstract]: Pyridinium electrolytes are promising candidates for flow-battery-based energy storage. However, the mechanisms underlying both their charge–discharge processes and overall cycling stability remain poorly ...
    • Synergistic Degradation Mechanism in Single Crystal Ni-Rich NMC//Graphite Cells 

      Paez Fajardo, Galo; Temprano, Israel; Piper, Louis (American Chemical Society, 2023-11-06)
      [Abstract]: Oxygen loss at high voltages in Ni-rich NMC//graphite Li-ion batteries promotes degradation, but increasing evidence from full cells reveals that the depth of discharge choice can further accelerate aging, i.e., ...
    • Binder-Free Cnt Cathodes for Li-O2 Batteries with More Than One Life 

      Su, Zeliang; Temprano, Israel; Demortière, Arnaud (Wiley-VCH, 2023-10-10)
      [Abstract]: Li-O2 batteries (LOB) performance degradation ultimately occurs through the accumulation of discharge products and irreversible clogging of the porous electrode during the cycling. Electrode binder degradation ...
    • Configuration of Ammonia on CU{311}: Infrared Spectroscopy and First-Principles Theory 

      Krit Sitathani, Krit; Temprano, Israel; Jenkins, Stephen J. (AIP Publishing, 2024-02-01)
      [Abstract]: We describe Reflection Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy (RAIRS) and first-principles Density Functional Theory (DFT) studies of ammonia adsorption on the Cu{311} surface. Our experimental results indicate an ...
    • O-versus S-Metal Coordination of the Thiocarboxylate Group: An NMR Study of the Two Tautomeric Forms of the Ga(III)-Photoxenobactin E Complex 

      Buedenbender, Larissa; Ageitos, Lucía; Lages, Marta Afonso; Platas-Iglesias, Carlos; Balado, Miguel; Lemos, Manuel L.; Rodríguez, Jaime; Jiménez, Carlos (American Chemical Society, 2024-02-22)
      [Abstract] Photoxenobactin E (1) is a natural product with an unusual thiocarboxylic acid terminus recently isolated from an entomopathogenic bacterium. The biosynthetic gene cluster associated with photoxenobactin E, and ...