Near-Room-Temperature Reversible Giant Barocaloric Effects in [(CH₃)₄N]Mn[N₃]₃ Hybrid Perovskite

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Near-Room-Temperature Reversible Giant Barocaloric Effects in [(CH₃)₄N]Mn[N₃]₃ Hybrid PerovskiteAutor(es)
2020-09-25Cita bibliográfica
J. Salgado-Beceiro, A. Nonato, R. X. Silva, A. García-Fernández, M. Sánchez-Andújar, S. Castro-García, E. Stern-Taulats, M. A. Señarís-Rodríguez, X. Moya and J. M. Bermúdez-García, Near-room-temperature reversible giant barocaloric effects in [(CH₃)₄N]Mn[N₃]₃ hybrid perovskite. Mater. Adv., 2020, 1, 3167–3170. DOI:
[Abstract] We report giant reversible barocaloric effects in [(CH₃)₄N]Mn[N₃]₃ hybrid organic–inorganic perovskite, near its first-order cubic-monoclinic structural phase transition at 𝑇₀ ∼ 305 K. When driving the transition thermally at atmospheric pressure, the transition displays a large change in entropy of ∼80 J K⁻¹ kg⁻¹ and a small thermal hysteresis of ∼7 K, as well as a large change in volume of ∼1.5%. When driving the transition with pressure near room temperature, the transition displays large changes in entropy of ∼70 J K⁻¹ kg⁻¹, which represent a giant barocaloric response. Hybrid perovskites with similar barocaloric response and lower operating temperatures may find applications in environmentally friendly cooling.
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