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dc.contributor.advisorWoodward-Smith, Elizabeth
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Boedo, Jacobo
dc.contributor.otherUniversidade da Coruña. Facultade de Filoloxíaes_ES
dc.description.abstract[Abstract]The situation comedy or sitcom (a term formed by clipping the words ‘situation’ and ‘comedy’) is one of the best known and more enjoyable genres of current TV shows, and it is globally acclaimed by its originality and diversity of plots. The sitcom stands out for its unique and fixed cast set in a series of fixed settings. This project explores the definition of the sitcom as well as its origins and development, and its elements to be identified as such by the audience. The methodology followed to provide complete information about the sitcom consists of works by experts about film, television, humour, and entertainment. The theoretical framework of this project consists of the definition of the sitcom, its origins, its genres, and the classification into traditional and contemporary sitcom. The definition of a sitcom is not always complete; therefore, in this paper, the definition will be accompanied by an investigation of its origins as ‘radio comedies’, its transition to television and the differences between its genres. The division between the traditional sitcom and modern sitcom will be accompanied by the elements that form both of them and the main differences between the two. Apart from giving an exact definition of the sitcom, the main aim of this project is to demonstrate how two different and current sitcoms, The Office (NBC, 2005–13) and Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Fox, 2013–18, NBC, 2019–), can be considered the same sitcom, but modernised to fulfil society’s current norms. These norms are part of the changing cultural landscape of society, and the resulting product of following them reveals indications about topics such as diversity and humour. The relationship between these two sitcoms will be established as an evolution, treating the newest one (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) as an evolution of the oldest one (The Office). This connection can be also considered a transition from the traditional sitcom to the contemporary one, displaying the changes and improvements to be correct and socially accepted. To achieve the goal of this project, both sitcoms’ components, for instance the plot, characters and setting, will be fully analysed following the information established in the theoretical framework that make up a vtraditional sitcom and a contemporary sitcom. In the analyses of the case studies in question, there will be a comparison between both sitcoms including similarities and d ifferences to make the existing relationship clearer and support the purpose of the project. These analyses examine specific aspects that can be found in any of these sitcoms, such as characters, historical and cultural background, and the humour accompanied with its evolution. After the analyses, I will include a section containing the conclusion of the research that summarises the important aspects highlighted from the previous sections. Lastly, the final section of this project will be consists of a list of works cited throughout the entire paperes_ES
dc.rightsOs titulares dos dereitos de propiedade intelectual autorizan a visualización do contido deste traballo a través de Internet, así como a súa reproducción, gravación en soporte informático ou impresión para o seu uso privado e/ou con fins de estudo e de investigación. En nengún caso se permite o uso lucrativo deste documento. Estos dereitos afectan tanto ó resumo do traballo como o seu contido Los titulares de los derechos de propiedad intelectual autorizan la visualización del contenido de este trabajo a través de Internet, así como su repoducción, grabación en soporte informático o impresión para su uso privado o con fines de investigación. En ningún caso se permite el uso lucrativo de este documento. Estos derechos afectan tanto al resumen del trabajo como a su contenidoes_ES
dc.subjectSituation Comedy (Sitcom)es_ES
dc.subjectTelevision Genreses_ES
dc.subjectBrooklyn Nine-Ninees_ES
dc.subjectThe Officees_ES
dc.titleThe Sitcom: Brooklyn Nine-Nine as an Evolution of The Officees_ES
dc.description.traballosTraballo fin de grao (UDC.FIL). Inglés: estudios lingüísticos y literarios. Curso 2019/2020es_ES

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