Experimental Test of Threaded Steel Rods Glued-in Hardwood with Epoxy

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Experimental Test of Threaded Steel Rods Glued-in Hardwood with EpoxyAutor(es)
Universidade da Coruña. Departamento de Construcións e Estruturas Arquitectónicas, Civís e AeronáuticasCita bibliográfica
Otero, D., Estévez, J.,Martín, E.,Vázquez, J.A."Experimental test of threaded steel rods glued-in hardwood with epoxy".WIT Transactions on The Built Environment 85.doi:10.2495/HPSM06007
[Abstract] This paper summarizes test results of an experimental study on threaded steel
rods epoxied into structural hardwood members.
Two test campaigns were carried out. In the first one 36 test specimens of
Tali sawn timber (Erythropleum ivorense) with threaded steel rods were tested.
Tests arose from the need to evaluate the behaviour of this type of joint because
of its use in the construction of hollow bars spatial mesh of laminated timber.
Three anchorage lengths and two bar diameters were tested. Moreover, two
different thicknesses of the glue line, 1mm and 3 mm, were investigated.
In order to complement the first tests a new experimental study with 180 test
specimens was carried out. In the second tests, double-sided pull-out tests of
Spanish chestnut timber saw specimens were performed. Small diameter
threaded steel rods (8, 10 y 12 mm) quality 8.8 (yield stress 640 MPa) were used.
In the paper the most significant results of both test campaigns are
summarized, as well as the comparison with the existing design formulae for of
this type of union.
Palabras chave
Joint design
Glued-in rods
Adhesives for wood
Hollow bars
Spatial mesh
Destructive testing
Diseño de juntas
Barras encoladas
Pegamentos para madera
Malla espacial
Glued-in rods
Adhesives for wood
Hollow bars
Spatial mesh
Destructive testing
Diseño de juntas
Barras encoladas
Pegamentos para madera
Malla espacial
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