A New Methodology for Decision-Making in Buildings Energy Optimization

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A New Methodology for Decision-Making in Buildings Energy OptimizationFecha
2020-06-30Cita bibliográfica
Masdías-Bonome, A.E.; Orosa, J.A.; Vergara, D. A New Methodology for Decision-Making in Buildings Energy Optimization. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 4558. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10134558
[Abstract] When designing or retrofitting a building, not too many tools let architects and engineers to define the optimal conditions to reduce energy consumption with the minimal economic investment. This is because different software resources must be employed and an iterative calculation must be done which, most of times, is not possible. The present study aims to define an original methodology that let researchers and architects to select the best option between different possibilities. To reach this objective, Monte Carlo method is employed on the ISO 13790 standard reaching the probability distribution of the energy consumption of each building after each possible modification. From main results, two mathematical models were obtained from a real case study showing the relation between annual energy consumption and economic investment of each different building retrofits. What is more, in disagreement with the expected result, the best retrofit option was not the one with the highest cost and qualities. In conclusion, this methodology can be a useful tool for researchers and professionals to improve their decision-making.
Palabras clave
Energy saving
Decision making
Energy retrofit
Decision making
Energy retrofit
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