Recent Submissions

  • Utilization of Seaweed Waste: Biosorption of Toxic Compounds Onto Invasive Seaweed and Seaweed Wastes 

    Sastre de Vicente, Manuel; Rodríguez-Barro, Pilar; Herrero, Roberto; Vilariño, Teresa; Lodeiro, Pablo; Barriada, José Luis (Elsevier, 2020)
    [Abstract] The concept of biosorption results from the “passive” (nonmetabolic) interaction of a chemical species with a particle of a biological material. This interaction can be practically exploited, for example, for ...
  • A Systematic Analysis and Review of the Fundamental Acid-Base Properties of Biosorbents 

    Lodeiro, Pablo; Martínez-Cabanas, María; Herrero, Roberto; Barriada, José Luis; Vilariño, Teresa; Rodríguez-Barro, Pilar; Sastre de Vicente, Manuel (Springer, 2018)
    [Abstract] A broad variety of materials of biological origin have been successfully used in recent decades for the removal of pollutants from solution. These biosorbents present a range of natural polymers that play a key ...