Hydraulic, Wash-off and Sediment Transport Experiments in a Full-Scale Urban Drainage Physical Model

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Hydraulic, Wash-off and Sediment Transport Experiments in a Full-Scale Urban Drainage Physical ModelFecha
2020Cita bibliográfica
Naves, J., Anta, J., Suárez, J. et al. Hydraulic, wash-off and sediment transport experiments in a full-scale urban drainage physical model. Sci Data 7, 44 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-0384-z
[Abstract] This paper presents a dataset obtained from hydraulic and sediment transport experiments performed in a full-scale urban drainage physical model of 36 m2. The study seeks to accurately measure sediment mobilization through the different parts of the model (surface, gully pots and pipe system), also obtaining a precise characterization of water flow and using realistic rainfall simulator to ensure the transferability of the results. Three different rain intensities and five sediment granulometries were tested in 6 hydraulic and 23 wash-off and sediment transport experiments. The following experimental data were produced: surface elevations and 2D runoff velocities measured by visualization techniques; surface and in-pipe water depths; flow discharges, total suspended solids concentrations and particle size distribution at the entrance of the gully pots and at the pipe system outlet; and sediment mass balances. This data is optimal for developing and validating wash-off and sediment transport formulations in urban drainage models, towards better treatment and management techniques for minimizing the impact of urban surface pollutants on the environments of towns and cities.
Palabras clave
Depth of water
Fluid flow rate
Suspended sediment
Particle size distribution
Sediment mass balance
Structure from Motion
Particle-image velocimetry
Laser diffraction particle size analyzer
Rain intensity
Sediment granulometry
Urban stormwater
Urban pollution
Depth of water
Fluid flow rate
Suspended sediment
Particle size distribution
Sediment mass balance
Structure from Motion
Particle-image velocimetry
Laser diffraction particle size analyzer
Rain intensity
Sediment granulometry
Urban stormwater
Urban pollution
Versión del editor
Atribución 4.0 Internacional The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ applies to the metadata files associated with this article.