Design and development of a low cost automatic stringed instrumet tuner

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Design and development of a low cost automatic stringed instrumet tunerAutor(es)
2019Cita bibliográfica
Sevilla Salcedo, J., Martínez Gila, D.M., Ruano Ruano, I., Sánchez García, A., Estévez Estévez, E., Gómez Ortega, J., Gámez García, J. (2019). Design and development of a low cost automatic stringed instrumet tuner. En XL Jornadas de Automática: libro de actas, Ferrol, 4-6 de septiembre de 2019 (pp. 604-610). DOI capítulo: DOI libro:
[Abstract] Tuning methods have always been a task which every musician has to deal with. The main goal of
this project is developing a device to simplify and
assist stringed instrument users with the tuning
process of their instruments. To that end, a prototype capable of acquiring sound through the vibration of the instrument body is produced using
mainly a microcontroller device combined with a
frequency estimation algorithm. The device development results show high accuracy in musical
tone diagnosis compared to commercial tuners.
The prototype offers several opportunities for developing new applications and research in quality control, material characterisation or even non-stringed instruments analysis.
Palabras clave
Guitar tuner
Microcontroller programming
Frequency estimation
Musical tone diagnosis
Cent equal temperament
Microcontroller programming
Frequency estimation
Musical tone diagnosis
Cent equal temperament
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Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0