REV - EJGE - Vol. 02, Nº 01, 2013
Envíos recentes
Social capital in Spain: Are there gender inequalities?
(Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2013)[Abstract] Social capital is an asset for individuals because it grants access to important resources embedded in their social networks. But social capital is not evenly distributed among different groups. Gender groups ... -
Ceausescu’s population policy: a moral or an economic choice between compulsory and voluntary incentivised motherhood?
(Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2013)[Abstract] The purpose of this paper is to explain why, in 1966, the Romanian leadership adopted a wholly restrictive pronatalist policy, based on the strict limitation of abortion, instead of one based on socioeconomic ... -
Government vs opposition voting in the Finnish parliament Eduskunta since World War II
(Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2013)[Abstract] In a parliamentary system it is by definition justified to assume the government parties voting almost always in a unitary manner in plenary votes. In a multiparty system it is, however, hard to predict how the ... -
The Commission’s internal conditions for social re-regulation: Market efficiency and wider social goals in setting the rules for financial services in Europe
(Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2013)[Abstract] The European Union is often considered as a prime example of a liberal regulatory state. We argue, however, that being limited to the regulatory policy does not prevent the European Commission from pursuing ... -
How long can austerity persist? The factors that sustain fiscal consolidations
(Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2013)[Abstract] To put public debt on a sustainable path, many governments face the task of enacting large fiscal consolidation followed by years of sustained primary surpluses. By estimating hazard functions for the duration ...