Now showing items 1-5 of 10

    • Response of spinal excitability to different short-lasting motor tasks: preliminary results 

      Madrid, Antonio; Robles-García, Verónica; Valls-Solé, Josep; Corral-Bergantiños, Yoanna; Oliviero, Antonio; Cudeiro, Javier; Arias, Pablo (Springer Nature, 2017)
      [Abstract] Understanding the origin of muscle fatigue is essential for optimizing neuro-rehabilitation treatments. Fatigue is tasks dependent and its neural substrates have been deeply addressed for isometric contractions. ...
    • Interference during simultaneous performance of a motor and cognitive task involving the upper extremity after stroke 

      Prange-Lasonder, G.B.; Robles-García, Verónica; Brown, S.; Buurke, J.H.; Whitall, J.; Burridge, J.H. (Springer Nature, 2017)
      [Abstract] After stroke, the ability to perform two tasks concurrently is diminished, which may contribute to less pronounced gains on activity level after rehabilitation. The current study investigated whether upper ...
    • New tools for old problems: magnetic stimulation to study (and help) the brain 

      Rivadulla, Casto; Aguilá Macías, Jordi; Prieto-Soler, Sandra; Aguilar, Juan; Cudeiro, Javier (Springer Nature, 2017)
      [Abstract] Magnetic stimulation techniques, either repetitive TMS (rTMS) or Static Magnetic Fields, allow to modulate brain activity through the skull in a non invasive and painless way. When rTMS is used, low frequencies ...
    • Effects of transcranial static magnetic stimulation over the left DLPFC on gait induced fatigue in young and elderly people 

      Naya-Fernández, Mariña; Vila-Villar, Aranza; Madrid, Antonio; Robles-García, Verónica; Madinabeitia-Mancebo, Elena; Chouza-Insua, Marcelo; Cudeiro, Javier; Arias, Pablo (2023-09)
      [Abstract] Gait-induced fatigue increases the risk of falls during human walking1. In this process, fatigue seems to increase the variability of gait rhythmicity, which is already higher in the elderly2. On the other hand, ...
    • Digital Teddy: a tool to assess children´s selective attention 

      González-Eiroa, Irene; Vázquez-Araújo, Francisco J.; Castro-Castro, Paula-María; Dapena, Adriana; Arias, Pablo; Robles-García, Verónica (2023-09-09)
      [Abstract] Selective attention is essential in daily life and plays an important role in childhood as it facilitates the development of movement or cognition. However, there are not enough standardized tools that are ...