Recent Submissions

  • La aldea como ‘espacio hídrico” 

    Santos, Ángeles; Seoane, Henrique; Martínez-González, Carlos (Universidad de Zaragoza, 2018)
    [Resumen] En los territorios de los valles altos de Galicia, las aldeas responden al secular conocimiento y manejo de la escorrentía del agua. Se emplazan a media ladera, entre el monte -donde las brañas, “chaos” y ...
  • A New Building System: Structural Aspects of CotaCero System 

    Pérez-Valcárcel, Juan; Hermo, Víctor; Rodríguez-Cheda, José Benito (Francis & Taylor, 2013)
    [Abstract] A serious problem of the construction of buildings is produced by the need to work at high levels. This implies a high risk to workers and increases the cost and timing of the work.
  • Modular housing for situations of humanitarian catastrophe 

    Aragón Fitera, Jorge; Muñiz Gómez, Santiago; Hermo, Víctor; Mosquera-Rey, Emilio; Casal-Rodríguez, A. (Taylor & Francis, 2019)
    [Abstract] Although there is abundant bibliography regarding spontaneous, temporary and emergency shelters, in recent years, permanent camps for displaced people in European territory have become relevant. In this line ...