O mito do éxito escolar das rapazas

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The Myth of Girls’ “Success” in SchoolData
2013Cita bibliográfica
Iglesias Galdo, A., & Ballarín Domingo, P. (2014). O mito do “éxito” escolar das rapazas. Sarmiento. Revista Galego-Portuguesa De Historia Da Educación, 17, 67-82. https://doi.org/10.17979/srgphe.2013.17.0.4088
[Resumo] A aparente igualdade entre rapazas e rapaces nas aulas oculta camiños históricos diferentes, marcados por relacións de xénero desiguais, que persisten nelas de forma sutil. Baixo a sospeita de que tras o discurso do “éxito escolar das rapazas” se alimente a preocupación dos que conciben –moitos máis dos que o nomean– que o mellor servizo das mulleres á sociedade (maternidade, crianza, coidados familiares e traballo doméstico en xeral) se pode ver minado polo seu éxito profesional –cuestión que recobra novo valor cando a crise económica require fortes soportes familiares para xestionar a miseria social–, apelaremos ás contribucións feministas para comprender mellor a que se está a denominar “éxito”, tarefa que entendemos prioritaria para desestabilizar algúns dos supostos que, coma este, están a imposibilitar a educación para a igualdade [Abstract] The apparent equality between girls and boys in the classroom conceals the different historic trajectories marked by unequal gender relationships whose presence – albeit subtle- can still be felt. There is some suspicion that behind the argument in support of “the academic success of girls” lies the concern of those who profess the idea –many more than those who talk about it- that the best way women can serve society (maternity, raising children, taking care of the family and household chores in general) could be undermined by their professional success. And this is a topic that takes on a new dimension when situations of economic crises demand strong family support to deal with social poverty. This article discusses the contributions made by feminists to understand what is meant by “success”, a task we consider to be of high priority to refute some of the assumptions which, like this one, are trying to prevent equal education
Palabras chave
Exito/fracaso escolar
Estudos feministas
Xustiza social
School success/failure
Feminist studies
Social justice
Estudos feministas
Xustiza social
School success/failure
Feminist studies
Social justice
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