Envíos recentes

  • Efficient Implementation of Multilayer Perceptrons: Reducing Execution Time and Memory Consumption 

    Cedrón, Francisco; Álvarez-González, Sara; Ribas-Rodríguez, Ana; Rodríguez-Yáñez, Santiago; Porto-Pazos, Ana B. (MDPI, 2024)
    [Abstract]: A technique is presented that reduces the required memory of neural networks through improving weight storage. In contrast to traditional methods, which have an exponential memory overhead with the increase in ...
  • Unraveling druggable cancer-driving proteins and targeted drugs using artificial intelligence and multi-omics analyses 

    López-Cortés, Andrés; Cabrera-Andrade, Alejandro; Echeverría-Garcés, Gabriela; Echeverría-Espinoza, Paulina; Pineda-Albán, Micaela; Elsitdie, Nicole; Bueno-Miño, José; Cruz-Segundo, Carlos M.; Dorado, Julián; Pazos, A.; González-Díaz, Humberto; Pérez-Castillo, Yunierkis (Nature Research, 2024-08)
    [Abstract]: The druggable proteome refers to proteins that can bind to small molecules with appropriate chemical affinity, inducing a favorable clinical response. Predicting druggable proteins through screening and in ...
  • Artificial glial cells in artificial neuronal networks: a systematic review 

    Álvarez-González, Sara; Cedrón, Francisco; Pazos, A.; Porto-Pazos, Ana B. (Springer Nature, 2023-11)
    [Abstract]: The concept of tripartite synapses has revolutionized the world of neuroscience and the way we understand how information is transmitted in the brain. Since its discovery, some research groups have incorporated ...
  • Gamification in education: State of the art 

    Santos, Iria; Torrente-Patiño, Álvaro (Universidade do Minho, 2020)
    [Resumen] Este artículo es un viaje a través de los avances y ventajas de la gamificación en educación, basado en la investigación y los estudios científicos identificados como los más relevantes. Se centra en recopilar ...
  • Monumento 

    Santos, Iria; Torrente-Patiño, Álvaro (Universidade do Minho, 2020)
    [Resumen] Este artigo explica os grandes rasgos do Trabalho apresentado por 3 estudiosos (Inês Pérez, Laura Pico e Iria Santos) de Comunicação Audiovisual na Universidade da Corunha no ano de 2017, quando você monta e ...
