Envíos recientes

  • Multistage strategy for ground point filtering on large-scale datasets 

    Teijeiro Paredes, Diego; Amor, Margarita; Buján, Sandra; Richter, Rico; Döllner, Jürgen (Springer, 2024-08)
    [Abstract]: Ground point filtering on national-level datasets is a challenge due to the presence of multiple types of landscapes. This limitation does not simply affect to individual users, but it is in particular relevant ...
  • GUANIN: an all-in-one GUi-driven analyzer for NanoString interactive normalization 

    Montoto Louzao, Julián; Gómez-Carballa, Alberto; Bello, Xabier; Pardo-Seco, Jacobo; Camino-Mera, Alba; Viz-Lasheras, Sandra; Martín, María J.; Martinón-Torres, Federico; Salas, Antonio (Oxford University Press, 2024-08)
    [Abstract]: Most tools for normalizing NanoString gene expression data, apart from the default NanoString nCounter software, are R packages that focus on technical normalization and lack configurable parameters. However, ...
  • Cryptic diversity and phylogeographic patterns of Mediodactylus species in the Eastern Mediterranean region 

    Kotsakiozi, Panayiota; Antoniou, Aglaia; Psonis, Nikolaos; Sagonas, Kostas; Karameta, Emmanouela; Ilgaz, Çetin; Kumlutas, Yusuf; Aziz, Avcı; Jablonski, Daniel; Darriba, Diego (Academic Press Inc., 2024-08)
    [Abstract]: Cryptic diversity poses a great obstacle in our attempts to assess the current biodiversity crisis and may hamper conservation efforts. The gekkonid genus Mediodactylus, a well-known case of hidden species and ...
  • PlayNet: real-time handball play classification with Kalman embeddings and neural networks 

    Mures, Omar A.; Taibo, Javier; Padrón, Emilio J.; Iglesias-Guitián, José A. (Springer, 2024)
    [Abstract] Real-time play recognition and classification algorithms are crucial for automating video production and live broadcasts of sporting events. However, current methods relying on human pose estimation and deep ...
  • A comprehensive handball dynamics dataset for game situation classification 

    Mures, Omar A.; Taibo, Javier; Padrón, Emilio J.; Iglesias-Guitián, José A. (Elsevier, 2023)
    [Abstract] This article presents a comprehensive dataset of labeled game situations obtained from multiple professional handball matches, which corresponds to the research paper entitled “PlayNet: Real-time Handball Play ...
