Envíos recentes

  • Multistage strategy for ground point filtering on large-scale datasets 

    Teijeiro Paredes, Diego; Amor, Margarita; Buján, Sandra; Richter, Rico; Döllner, Jürgen (Springer, 2024-08)
    [Abstract]: Ground point filtering on national-level datasets is a challenge due to the presence of multiple types of landscapes. This limitation does not simply affect to individual users, but it is in particular relevant ...
  • GUANIN: an all-in-one GUi-driven analyzer for NanoString interactive normalization 

    Montoto Louzao, Julián; Gómez-Carballa, Alberto; Bello, Xabier; Pardo-Seco, Jacobo; Camino-Mera, Alba; Viz-Lasheras, Sandra; Martín, María J.; Martinón-Torres, Federico; Salas, Antonio (Oxford University Press, 2024-08)
    [Abstract]: Most tools for normalizing NanoString gene expression data, apart from the default NanoString nCounter software, are R packages that focus on technical normalization and lack configurable parameters. However, ...
  • Cryptic diversity and phylogeographic patterns of Mediodactylus species in the Eastern Mediterranean region 

    Kotsakiozi, Panayiota; Antoniou, Aglaia; Psonis, Nikolaos; Sagonas, Kostas; Karameta, Emmanouela; Ilgaz, Çetin; Kumlutas, Yusuf; Aziz, Avcı; Jablonski, Daniel; Darriba, Diego (Academic Press Inc., 2024-08)
    [Abstract]: Cryptic diversity poses a great obstacle in our attempts to assess the current biodiversity crisis and may hamper conservation efforts. The gekkonid genus Mediodactylus, a well-known case of hidden species and ...
  • Applying dynamic balancing to improve the performance of MPI parallel genomics applications 

    Fernández Fraga, Alejandro; González-Domínguez, Jorge; Martín, María J. (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2024-05-21)
    [Absctract]: Genomics applications are becoming more and more important in the field of bioinformatics, as they allow researchers to extract meaningful information from the huge amount of data generated by the new sequencing ...
  • PlayNet: real-time handball play classification with Kalman embeddings and neural networks 

    Mures, Omar A.; Taibo, Javier; Padrón, Emilio J.; Iglesias-Guitián, José A. (Springer, 2024)
    [Abstract] Real-time play recognition and classification algorithms are crucial for automating video production and live broadcasts of sporting events. However, current methods relying on human pose estimation and deep ...
