Now showing items 1-20 of 24

    • A computer aided design system for the analysis of transferred potentials in earthing systems 

      Colominas, Ignasi; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Gómez Calviño, Javier; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (2002)
      [Abstract] In this work we present a CAD system based on this BEM numerical formulation for the analysis of a common problem in electrical engineering practice, that is, the existence of transferred potentials in a ...
    • A meshless numerical approach for the analysis of earthing systems in electrical installations 

      Colominas, Ignasi; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Chao López, Mar; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (Technische Universität München, 1999)
      [Abstract] In the last three decades some numerical formulations have been developed for solving potential problems in electrical engineering applications. In the particular case of the grounding analysis area, in recent ...
    • A particle numerical approach based on the SPH method for computational fluid Mechanics 

      Colominas, Ignasi; Cueto-Felgueroso Landeira, Luis; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (2004)
      [Abstract] Meshfree methods have experimented an important improvement in the last decade. Actually, we can say that the emerging meshless technology constitutes the most promising tool to simulate complex problems in ...
    • A stabilized finite element approach for advective-diffusive transport problems 

      Figueroa Álvarez, Carlos Alberto; Colominas, Ignasi; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (Escola Politécnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo, 1999)
      [Abstract] As it is well-know, the numerical simulation in fluid mechanics is quite difficult specially when the velocity of the fluid is important. These problems are reflected in the apparearance of numerical oscillations ...
    • An efficient MP algorithm for structural shape optimization problems 

      Navarrina, Fermín; Tarrech i Masdeu, Ramón; Colominas, Ignasi; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Gómez Calviño, Javier; Casteleiro, Manuel (Computational Mechanics Publications, 2001)
      [Abstract] Integral methods -such as the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Boundary Element Method (BEM)- are frequently used in structural optimization problems to solve systems of partial differential equations. ...
    • An enriched meshless numerical approach for potential theory problems 

      Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Colominas, Ignasi; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (The International Center of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2000)
      [Abstract] One of the meshless thechniques that have been recently proposed for solving Boundary Value Problems is the so-called Weighted Least Square (WLS) Method with a Point Collocation approach. Meshless methods were ...
    • Análisis de formulaciones numéricas SPH para la resolución de problemas de flujo con superficie libre 

      Cueto-Felgueroso Landeira, Luis; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Colominas, Ignasi; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (2002)
      [Abstract] El objetivo de este artículo es estudiar las distintas formulaciones tipo Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) propuestas para aplicaciones a problemas de fluidos, especialmente los relacionados con flujo en ...
    • Desarrollo de una formulación numérica basada en el MEF para la estabilización de problemas de transporte por convección-difusión 

      Figueroa Álvarez, Carlos Alberto; Colominas, Ignasi; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (Sociedad Española de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, 1999)
      [Resumen] La modelización de problemas en mecánica de fluidos cuando la velocidad del fluido es elevada resulta complicada debido a la aparición de inestabilidades en la solución numérica al emplear esquemas convencionales ...
    • Development of integration schemes for meshless numerical approaches based on the SPH method 

      Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Colominas, Ignasi; Bonet, Javier; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2001)
      [Abstract] In this paper we discuss some of the meshless formulations that have been recently proposed for solving Boundary Value Problems. Several functional approximations are studied both, from a continuum and from a ...
    • Efficient structural shape optimization: using directional high order sensitivity analysis to improve MP algorithms 

      Navarrina, Fermín; Tarrech i Masdeu, Ramón; Colominas, Ignasi; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Gómez Calviño, Javier; Casteleiro, Manuel (2001)
    • Enrichment of weighted least-squares approaches for potential problems in engineering applications 

      Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Colominas, Ignasi; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (Universidade de Aveiro, 2000)
      [Abstract] In this paper, we review one of the meshless methods proposed in last years for solving boundary value problems based on a weighed least square methods. Furthermore, we analyze the use of enrichment techniques ...
    • Fluid flow simulation by Lagrangian particle methods 

      Cueto-Felgueroso Landeira, Luis; Colominas, Ignasi; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (2004)
      [Abstract] In this paper we present a Galerkin based SPH formulation with moving least squares meshless approximation, applied to free surface flows. The Galerkin scheme provides a clear framework to analyze several ...
    • Una formulación numérica sin malla basada en los métodos SPH con ponderación de Galerkin 

      Cueto-Felgueroso Landeira, Luis; Colominas, Ignasi; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2005)
      [Resumen] En este artículo se propone una formulación numérica sin malla de tipo Galerkin basada en el método de partículas SPH con aproximación de mínimos cuadrados móviles y su aplicación a problemas de mecánica de fluidos ...
    • Una formulación SPH para problemas de flujo de fluídos en aplicacione sen la ingeniería 

      Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Cueto-Felgueroso Landeira, Luis; Colominas, Ignasi; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (2002)
      [Resumen] En este artículo estudiamos y comparamos a través de varios ejemplos, las principales formulaciones Smooth Hydrodynamics existentes en la bibliografía para resolver problemas de fluídos, especilamente los ...
    • MERLIN: una nueva herramienta para la predicción del riesgo de inundaciones en la demarcación hidrográfica Galicia-Costa 

      Fraga, Ignacio; Cea, Luis; Puertas, Jerónimo; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Quinteiro Seoane, Belén; Botana Soto, Sonia; Fernández Núñez, Laura; Salsón Casado, Santiago; Fernández-García, Guillermo; Taboada, Juan (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021)
      [Resumen] Este artículo presenta MERLIN, una nueva herramienta para estimar el riesgo de inundaciones a partir de predicciones de caudales y calados en Áreas de Riesgo Potencial Significativo de Inundaciones (ARPSIS) de ...
    • Meshless methods applied to potential flow problems 

      Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Colominas, Ignasi; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (Elsevier, 2001)
      [Abstract] In this paper we discuss some of the meshless approaches that have been recently proposed for solving boundary value problems. Several functional approximations and different integration schemes are studied. In ...
    • Meshless methods for potential problems in electrical engineering applications 

      Colominas, Ignasi; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Chao López, Mar; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (Elsevier, 1999)
      [Abstract] In some problems in engineering applications, the mesh generation process represents one of the big challenges when numerical methods such as finite elements, finite differences or boundary elements are applied. ...
    • Métodos numéricos de partículas para la simulación de problemas en dinámica de fluídos 

      Cueto-Felgueroso Landeira, Luis; Colominas, Ignasi; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (2004)
      [Resumen] En este artículo se propone una formulación numérica sin malla de tipo Galerkin basada en el método de Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) con aproximación de mínimos cuadrados móviles, y su aplicación a ...
    • Modelling Free-surface flows by a Galerkin based SPH formulation 

      Cueto-Felgueroso Landeira, Luis; Colominas, Ignasi; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (2003)
      [Abastract] An algorithm based on Moving Least Squares Particle Hydrodynamics (MLSPH) to solve free surface flow is presented. MLS shape functions remarkably improve stability and accuracy of standard SPH algorithms, ...
    • Numerical approaches for grounding installations in uniform and stratified soils 

      Colominas, Ignasi; Gómez Calviño, Javier; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Navarrina, Fermín; Casteleiro, Manuel (2002)
      [Abstract] This paper summarizes the main numerical approaches based on the BEM developed by the authors in the last years for the grounding analysis of electrical installations in uniform and layered soils.